Mountain Week A to Z


“The concept of global Warming was created by and for the Chinese” ……………………………………………………………………………………Donald Trump

“Before I traveled my road, I was my road” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Antonio Porchia

“You can’t make this shit up” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Papi’s daily mantra

What can I say……not a lot going on in Corona-Land……….

A-Amazon…. life saver or what?

B-Bebe: doe quarantine elbow with photo of Nana and Papi…. watch the short video attached

C- Corona goes nuts as country continues to insist on going back to normal…. The Leader of the Free World tells us this is all a problem of doing “too much testing” (see Papi quote above)

D- Dump master Reunion this week, whispers to Papi, gazing at TQ…” I dreamt about her every night”

E- Ethnic foo sighting…. found a new Indian restaurant in a grocery store in an old bank drive thru at the far end of Rutland…. Whoo-We, ride me high…. called in order –brought it to our car, drove 15 miles’ home like banshees……piece of Heaven……

F- FDR……been watching this extraordinary American leader on Ken Burns series on The National Parks: America’s Best Idea (most likely is) ……the man led us through The Depression and the War of the Worlds with calm, aplomb, grace and character…. makes me weep….

G-first Grocery trip in four months this past week….it was like going to Vegas for the first time…. lights, people, glitz, muzak, masks…. had to drag TQ out of there kicking and screaming after an hour plus…. thought they would shoot us

with our two brimming (wiped down) baskets at the self-express checkout line……where do you store that much food?

H-Haircuts not had since the start of the year…. starting to resemble late 70s Orlando of Italy look…. The Queen has had enough of hair bunchies and getting an outside masked- haircut this week from our personal Cockney stylist

I-Idiot- fill in the blank______________

J- Jenn: up at six today to work on the gardens…. now putting the kayak racks on the Subaru….to stay on until The Pandemic gone…. relentless……

K- KFC….is it socially acceptable to make under cover of night trip to get this in Vermont?……………..feeling the Jones….

L- Leaking is our life (not bodily….at least not as of today) …. finally got all our house leaks fixed and immediately sprung new ones in basement from heavy rains and poor grading…. earth moving is in our immediate future….

M-Music-less without my Band buds……reverted to working on songs I started to write in 1973 (like Neil Young- see below)

N-Neil…. WOW…. releases “Homegrown” album from 1975-apparently it as to personal then, but who gives shit now……Papi resurrects his turntable to listen to it (birthday gift from Max) the old fashioned way

O- Our house is a very, very, very fine hose……but no one will buy it…. wasting away again in Bunty-ville…. open house #3 today……

P- Our (House) Plants continue to be boarding at their winter residence…. can’t bring them home until we figure out how to put a mask on them…

Q- the Queen has once again taken up her rightful throne as the Imperial Mother of the Mount Holly Community Association

R- Roads of dirt…. had three long walks this week through mountain tundra on offbeat- out of the way mountain pathways…. Lucy made friends……all the joys of trails sans ticks and Lyme…

S- Swings: went from 94 one day this week- to 42 the next night…. heat wave…cold front…heat wave…cold front…

T- the Trout King made an unheard of personal visit/delivery to The Pond to bring us the gold standard, three-hundred-dollar bucket of Pond Bacteria

U- UNBELIEVABLE……. see Papi quote at top……Moron-in –Chief holds rally in Phoenix with 3000 young people in a church, and suggests they don’t need to wear no stinkin’ masks

V- Vacations……are they just gone now?

W- Walmart…. put on our masks, gloves and goggles and ran in and out of the local old style Mart to pick up online order…. could see the cooties in the air……parking lot observation: men in large pick up trucks do not wear masks…

X- Xcellent……the view from the front door of The Inn of the waxing and waning moon over the mountain pines…

Y- YIKES……45 thousand new cases a day…and Europe is banning us from coming…even without a wall

Z- Zenni Optical…have you tried it…. on line glasses for around $30…. working on potential concept of never going into a store again…

Got to go trim my eyebrows now……Love you all….from a distance…..Papi

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