Summer in the Greens

Bonjour Mes Amis:

“Doing nothing, but leave nothing undone” ………………………………………………………………………………………. Zen saying

“I tell you: one must have chaos in oneself, to give birth to a dancing star” …………………………………………Friedrich Nietzsche

“Sometimes things are just what they seem to be, that’s all there is to it” ……………………………………………Charles Bukowski

Rona-Rona- BoBona- Bananna-Fanna- Fofona- Fee-Fi-Fo- Fona…. Corona………………………………. Have we had enough yet?……….Unlike with some people and places, we are pretty much in total Exile here in the mountains…………………The state had a surge this week with 15 new cases since some fool from the South came to Manchester and spread their wings at the Outlet Stores (come to the beauty of the Mountains to shop) …. thank you, tourista……but that’s about it……first state in the country to go 30 days without a single death……but still we hibernate……long time comin’-gonna be a long time gone……

Tryin’ to figure out what exactly we do with our days here……always seem busy, but not sure how…..Cleaning: we are uber spotless…..Gardening: starting to look like the Botanical Gardens here  (TQ now obsessing over Herb Gardens….is that a Jewish garden?)…….Organization: working on ridding the Barn/Garage of 60 years’ worth of stuff, now have music out there via 60 year old solid state radio and lots of aluminum foil antenna, and have organized all my string and rubber bands into one convenient place…….Work: are you kidding me….is this what retirement is like?….did a two hour lecture to 20 small talking heads on The Zoom this week for the Vermont Law School- has anyone bought Zoom stock yet?……Binging– nighty TV and Corona Fritos (had not had one in two decades and have not stopped, as the Devil said they are anti-viral)…………Writing– lyrics, songs, Blogs, hate letters, curricula, hate letters, Reviews- with being a really bad typist, this takes up half of each day…..Talking- who knew we had so many phone friends…..Exercise– out in the Barn, on the Circuit three times a week, and running up and down mountains, down to weighing 47 pounds now…..Herbs (the other kind)- don’t ask……..Friends?– weekly dinner on the ground at The Big Table in the yard-do not dare to come in our house, fool…….Ponding- sinking a bit with concerted drought, but best ever, PRISTINE, 90 degree plus days shockingly for much of last two weeks, so a good deal of float time- clean enough for even TQ to delve into…..Outings: trying to uncover exactly how many dirt roads there are in Vermont, and walk all of them-twice a week we pack the car like The Beverly Hillbillies (prepared for any Virus or Republican threats) and head off into the great blue……… we are Dirt Road Royalty….

While I toil away at mostly doing nothing, THE QUEEN is distance gallivanting all over the county—-working at the organic farm to feel empathy with the deportables, moving hay bales back and forth over the property, coffees with the Trailer Masseuse, Scavenging with the Dump Master through the 50 foot pile of junk metal for potential finds, doing virtual Garden tours, presiding over the Mt. Holly Community Association…finding piles of rhubarb to make cake for post herb consumption, finding used furniture on the road to take up space in my pristine barn (which I the move back out to her trunk)….touching base every other day with the official Mountain-Yentas: the JPF wife, the French Chef Madam, the Trailer Masseuse, the Empress of General Electric and The British Deck Hair Stylist…..the woman is just plain busy….currently obsessing most about Plastics…..Plastics….

Okay, Kiddoes……since there is really not much happening here, it is almost POND time, and since I need to get in my obsessive amount of written words for the day…. here are three pop quizzes for you to mull over or ignore…all matching answers…. scored on a bell curve….

Song Lines

Livin’ ten floors above me, in the tower of song” ____                                                                                                 John Prine

“Back of my neck, getting’ dirty and gritty” ___                                                                                                                 The Temptations

“Plant that bell and let it ring” Gram Parsons                                                                                                                             

“We’re the big door prize” ____                                                                                                                                             The Silhouettes

“Just my ‘magination, runnin’ away with me” ____                                                                                                  Neil Young

“With a road sign leading straight to Satin’s cage” ____                                                                                                   Lovin’ spoonful

“Ba-pa-Ba-pa…Ba-pa-Ba-pa-Ba- pa…. Get a job” ____                                                                                                    Leonard Cohen

Movie Lines

“I think we’re going to need a bigger boat” ____                                                                                               Dances with wolves

“Leave the gun, take the cannoli” thermal and Louise                                                                                                                                

“Lets you and me jump in that river” ____                                                                                                  The Untouchables

“You’re a real live outlaw, aren’t ya” Field of Dreams                                                                                                                           

“Individual achievement” The Godfather                                                                                                                                               

“Tatonka…..                                                                                                                           Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

“If you build it, they will come” ____                                                                                                                                         Jaws

Great Presidential Quotes

“Ask not what your country can do for you……” ____                                                                                                          Jimmy Carter

“99 % of virus cases are harmless” _ Richard Nixon

“I lust only in my mind” ____                                                                                                                                                       George H.W. Bush

“Masks are great, in the right time and place” ____                                                                                                               Bill Clinton

“I never inhaled” ____     The Donald                                                                                                                                                    

“A thousand points of light” ____                                                                                                                                                George W. Bush

“Mission accomplished” ____                                                                                                                                                      John Kennedy

This left-wing cultural revolution is designed to overthrow the American Revolution” ____                                         Ronald Reagan

All the waste in a year from a nuclear power plant can be stored under a desk” ____

I am not a crook” ____

Fun time is now officially over……go do your Corona Lives Matter things……………………………………Can we bring back “W” please…pretty please……I’d trade my first born (sorry, Max) for Rayguns…… or even…. Tricky Dick, too……..

Bye-Bye, Love


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