Workin’ in the Greens

Sunday, Sunday…can’t trust that day…………

‘It’s taken me all my life to learn what not to play” …………………………………………………………………………………Dizzy Gillespie

“The butterfly counts not months but the moments. And has time enough” ……………………………………………Rabindrnath Tagore    

“You crawl, you walk….and then, you run” ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Clay Davis (in The Wire)

Been a whiz of a week…what is there really to say these days?……………………………….We worked, we shopped, we masked, we finished our Quarntinie……How much can one scribe pour out……Lets keep it brief-with almost -one – liners for this week’s missive……

The Queen said we had a SMALL project to do…. spent much of the week tearing down the back of the old horse barn, burning 48 straight hours of junk wood, making massive trip see The Dumpmaster (“why don’t you come up here alone and leave the missus at home, and I’ll go make her a visit?” ………………then putting up all new barn siding……. left de circle, right de circle…

I keep telling TQ that little Jewish boys from the Bronx don’t do these sort of things……but memo apparently missed….

Mountain days and nights swinging back and forth from high humid summer to autumn in the breeze……spotted first maples changing color this week…. what will we do when we can’t hang with folks in outdoor settings?

Does everyone Zoom in their underwear?…………that’s how we roll for work in the new normal….

Making music on a web platform with your posse…. not ideal, but still pretty cool…. working on new age protest song with The Nave and the Prodigal on line……

Getting the hang of dinner on the ground…. had The Erstwhile Russian Spy and the Venerated School Marm for cookout last night…sat through light summer rain under the pines…. still no one has entered the abode here since our June return…. but TQ requires social gatherings, thus dinner on the ground….

Better late than never…. we are working through five seasons of “The Wire” …which I resisted for years in stubborn reaction to the constant “better-than-sex” proclamations from my Baltimore friends…. Well….it probably is!!!!!…. may be best show ever on the Tube…. Would love to have Omar over for dinner……

The Convention: All conventions should be virtual-best I’ve seen……John Kasich????…man has guts……Julia Dreyfus-off her nut. We wept through Barack’s speech……can we just have him back?…….how could we, as a people, go from that …to THIS?…….cannot say Joe bowled us over…. but such a decent, good, caring man…how many votes can I cast?……..

Whilst…. The Numchuck says NO to a fed judges’ order to release his taxes, has more of his appendages charged with election related felonies, promotes a new Covid miracle drug, jumps all over criticizing New Zealand for having 13 new cases…. calls everyone at the convention names, and continues his efforts to sabotage the election/democracy daily….in my old world, we called this adjustment reaction to adolescence……. if we were being generous

And now……have to go move dirt to finish the grading on the new back barn….and get ready for this week’s assault on getting electric to all the out buildings…. gotta love a SMALL project…. Que sera, sera…….

Keeping my word on brevity- for once……go out and enjoy a blessed, Masked day…….


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