Mountain Mojo

Bonjour et Joyouse Dimanche:

“Wonder is the beginning of wisdom” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Socrates

“Autumn night- a hole in my paper door whistling” ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Issa

“Therein lies one of life’s biggest lessons. Ain’t got nothin’ to with deserve. Just pray to the Saint of Lost Causes” ……………………………………. Justen Townes Earle

Autumn seemed to come and leave……Monday was a hot and humid 82 (felt like 95) ……and we spent the day digging trenches, burying conduit and cable line and being go-fers for the electrician, but finished with first ever electric service to the horse barn and the bunkhouse…. let there be light……which finishes the “quickie” 100-hour barn project….and allows Papi to return to the couch….and the Queen to resume her royal duties……

Back working with the Caribbean folks on some virtual training for Dominica and Anguilla (not quite like being there) …and back on Carib time……have a Zoom, respond with what they ask for the same day…wait two weeks for them to send me the next step……may get the training in sometime in the next millennium…. but, its ok mon……no rush…don’t worry…be happy…………………………

Has anyone else bought Zoom stock?

Car Repair in the Mountains #3- had to go back to the wilds of New Hampshire to the only place in the northeastern United States that would repair my exhaust system….because the other local mechanic told me it was too loud and something was not right….so drove an hour plus back to the Jesus repairs shop (the whole road is one big Evangelical love fest…see the mailbox photo)….and found that even Acolytes can be vindictive…..the holy- mechanic- man, obviously irritated that I came back, and doubted The Lord’s Work, made me sit in the car while he put it up on the highest lift height I have ever seen, and then made me run the engine rpms up above 80 mile per hour…..I could see out the garage  door to the mountains of Maine, and felt certainly like I was due for takeoff at any moment…kept me up there for 15 minutes without saying a word….brought me down, grunted it was fine, and sent me on my way…..

Found Jenn and Lucy hiking the dirt road, so joined in for the Jesus tour…which apparently comes with The Lord’s Own Airfield…. did I mention that it poured rain all day…………? I have now decided that the exhaust system is just fine….

Friday the sun came back out and it was a gorgeous low 60s-so we took off again, away from New Hampshire and The Lord’s Work…and down through Ludlow and Chester to the charm of tiny Grafton…. finding our way to an old traveling haunt of ours, the Grafton Swimming Hole, for a picnic lunch…and then the de rigueur dirt road walk…. they had a “pop up” set up in the middle of little dirt road Main St. Grafton…. does anyone really know what a “pop up” is?

Saturday a rainy day again….so after the requisite weekend trip to see The Dumpmaster, the Postmistress and the Library biddies…..I spent most of the afternoon overhauling the front of our big barn/garage…..clearly a Corona-based activity…..hiding most of The Queens four thousand, five hundred and thirty flower pots in the process….after that, it was definitely nap time…and then headed down the 140 to Wallingford  to do Sal’s’ South for red gravy dinner pick up….the drive down was a mystical experience with bright in –the –eyes- setting sun intermingled with intense fog…made me look for another Jesus airfield………

After waiting for Sal to call me in for one-in- at- a time dinner pickup (I am somehow known as Walt there…. Papi Walt…like it) …. I was hosing down in the car before heading back up the mount, when Lucy saw three dogs being walked by, and hurtled into the front seat, going berserk and knocking red gravy all over the car. I was so startled, I smacked her and shoved her in the back…and have been depressed ever since. She looked at me with such shock……was the first time in seven years I had laid hands on her, and felt like we had lost out innocence…. power and control…. blah, blah, blah…….

Just went upstairs for a moment to find TQ repurposing our cellar vegetable bin into a shoe rack, taking up residence in our bedroom…with the rest of the produce……

Has anyone ben keeping up with the NBA playoffs? Is it me, or is the NBA the most socially conscious business in the country…. You go ballers……

Being courted by the Vermont Law School to do some online course teaching this fall and winter…………… Hmmmmm?……..a virtual classroom of wannabe lawyers?…….Better pay well.

Purchase of the summer…. twenty bucks on line for a state of the art, bull goose looney, inflatable raft with cup holders, headrest and built in sauna…. which will likely stay in the box until it is warm enough again to go in The Pond…maybe nest July?

Dinner on the ground this afternoon at the manse of the French Chef and his Francophile Wannabe Bride………

And that, as he said, is all she wrote, mes amis……

Darling je vous aime beaucoup, I just don’t know what to do……


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