Mountain Learnings

Greetings and Happy Holiday weekend- such as it is:

“A man is known by the silence he keeps” ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Oliver Herford

“Your practice is your life” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Zen Saying

“After the Ecstasy……………………………. the Laundry” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. More Zen

These are the TEN THINGS I learned this week in the Mountains:

It is legal to vote more than once in national elections– apparently our fearless leader has ruled that we can all vote by mail and then go and vote in person. I’m thinking that since I live in two places, I can therefore vote four times if I make the effort……………I’m really glad we now have this option to clear up any concerns with voter fraud….

Twenty-two month olds now trot off in the morning to get the school bus……apparently to go to virtual school……. just see the pictures!!!

There is indeed Fire in the Hole– The way to eradicate ground holes with Bee Colonies in them is too blow up the hole- The Queen got this from The Dumpmaster and has spent the better part of the last week pouring accelerants into various holes in in the yard and then setting them on fire…an endless crusade to not be bit again, which requires very special outfits……she is now The Queen Bee too……

Long curling locks suddenly appearing on an aging hipster draw a lot of notice and comments- ranging from “Hey Hippie Boy” to “Are you really Charlie Rich” to “Is that really you?” ……liking the idea of emulating the old Bluegrass Legends……can you say “Uncle Pen?” …….

Who Knew?????…. Barn Projects never end- After finishing all the siding on the old horse barn, we spent this week pouring concrete in holes in the foundation corners, that may go all the way to China……building new barn windows, and trying to erect a gutter/downspout system without buying any materials (have already made too many trips to the Depot for Corona times) ….is this really My Destiny?????……..

When the Barn Projects are done for the day, the Jewish Pig Farmer (and the JPF Bride) arrive unannounced for Bonding and dinner- filthy, sweaty and tired is a wonderful time to greet unannounced and rare guests….but when you need Bonding, apparently you need Bonding…..had an hour and a half of exorcising from The JPF…and then …POOF…gone…leaving dinner behind for us to heat up…apparently they got hungry on the 20 minute drive over and needed to stop by the side of the road to eat their part of dinner…………………..only in Vermont….

The British Hairdresser comes for dinner and tries to move in- Lovely night, dinner on the ground (TQ outdid herself….real whipped cream with her freshly made Rhubarb Cake), cuts an trims on the deck….from our friend Cockney Tracy…..while she lobbied for the newly remodeled and electrified Horse Barn as potential dwelling while she sells her house and considers whether to buy a new one or live off the land…..we would have to build a tiny outhouse for her….but What the Hell….we would then have The TTT…..Tracy-The-Tenant….

Top Secret Newsflash– The Canadians are halfway finished with building a masked-wall to keep us out……

There is no public access to lovely Lake St. Catherine- headed down along majestic Route 30, between the walled mountain corridor where the hawks make their abode, for picnic outing….beautiful lake, but only for those who own it….wound up in the village of Poultney for picnic and hike up the secret dirt lane to the hidden, mountain, tiered cemetery….maybe the biggest in the state, with stones dating back to the mid-1700s….who knew?…..and learned that men often outlive their wives in Vermont…..enlightening……

And that’s all I got….so only nine lessons learned this week…. but then…who’s counting anyway?……………….

Wear you masks…save a life……stay well…try to have some fun……

Arriva Derchi……Papi

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