Autumn Light in The Greens

“When you get there, there isn’t any there there” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Gertrude Stein

“On a bare branch a crow settles in autumn dusk” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Basho

“At That Pond, the frog is growing old now-among fallen leaves” ……………………………………………………………………………………………………Buson

And then they rested………. after weeks of big Barn projects, we put down the sledge and the anvil, and went back to mostly doing little of nothing…. though we got the Big Barn/Garage cleaned up and organized for the first time in eight years of living here…is it nap time yet?……….Old Nanna and Papi managed to move a 600-pound trough out of the way in the barn, and immediately made chiropractor appointments……………

The Queen takes command of the gardens……and has now covered half the acreage in plastic and hay bales in preparation for turning The Inn into a nursery……AND…. we had our first homegrown water melon EVER…along with the bounty of daily tomatoes and such…TQ has also constructed a mélange of doors, windows and coverlets to protect the maters form the 30 degree range of nightly weather as the autumn begins in earnest here in the mountains…….

How can 30 degree nights turn into 80 degree days??????????????

We had a slow holiday weekend after the massive outbreak of cases after a party at Killington mountain ……fifteen in one day, which eclipsed the previous four weeks’ statewide totals…panic set in……and then went away…and we now have armed battalions of Greenie Troopers at the border to keep out the New Yorkers and Jerseyites……seriously, ski lodge parties? Really?

Fifty-one more days of insanity……one can only hope……is it really possible that we could have him back for four more years….does anyone care about dignity, integrity and humanity???…..C’mon people now, smile on your brother……just in case , we are planning on joining the hidden huddled masses in safe houses in Derby-Line on the border, to jump The WALL into Canada…and see if we can get yellow cards, or whatever it is they have there….please don’t make us go….

More dinners on the ground………had a magnificent late lunch at the home of the slightly brain damaged surgeon and his lovely bride on Tuesday……hours of five course meal and paired wines in the autumn sunshine, surrounded by mountains in their Weston abode……is this what retirement might look like….in Canada?…………….

More DOTG…. this afternoon the Master French Chef and his Francophile wife are coming over for yard dinner…. allegedly bringing the real deal Crème Brule……what will we do in a month when it is too cold for outside dining?……back to Quarantinie?………………..

Day Trippin’…….a one way ticket, yeah…it took me sooooo long to find out……Did long day trip on Thursday up to Middlebury to visit the new dispensary (drive though…would you like fries with your edibles?)….and lunch at Mama Corleone’s….then, dirt road, six mile walk through dappled late afternoon sunlight…..then yesterday, after the requisite Saturday trip to see the Dumpmaster, we headed down to the Weston Priory, though The Brothers must have gone to Atlantic City for the weekend….empty fall glory by their magnificent pond (why do they still have water in theirs? Godliness?) ……then up mountain dirt roads to the hamlet of Landgrove for another walk in the woods….

Finished the day with an early dinner on the ground in Rutland , at the chiropractor’s deserted compound (one of many of our go-to picnicin’ tables to eat take out without driving home)…..prefect late day setting sunlight…still a shocking 73 degrees…..fountain flowing in idyllic-pond….Lucy chasing chipmunks on her own version of heaven……had to stop on the way at the vocational school, where we scoped out a spigot by their greenhouses, to give Lucy her 500th road bath…since Jenn would not let her in the car after she found rolling mana…..

Won’t you scratch my itch, sweet Annie Rich………. Leaves, Leaves, Leaves………….

Speaking of my muse, Gram Parsons, Nave, Max, Mitch and I have been working on the virtual band platform on getting a take on my new song, New Days’ Risin’ on the Blues……. I am attaching it to this e-mail for anyone interested in the lyrics……if you read The Blog on the Web, it won’t be available…have to go old school e-mail to open the attachment……but here’s a verse and chorus…… like it or not……Started this song in 1975 as love and heartbreak song…now it’s turned into a shit storm and heartbreak song….

The fever’s raining down upon us,
The cost we pay for shutdown eyes.
Howlin’ winds and storms all around us,
Led by the Devil in Disguise.

Decades down the road,
Can’t let that train be slowed.
What happened to our promised land?
Lost tryin’ to cross the Rio Grande.
We need to reach for livin’ true,
A new day’s risin’ on the blues.

And that’s about the scope of it……Ry and Lauren coming for a visit this week with g-daughters Quin-Lily and Baby Harper…. got to go kid proof the manse……. Later than today, but not as late as tomorrow….


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