Mountain Visit

Ma Cher amis:

“The quieter you become, the more you can hear” …………………………………………………………………………………Baba Ram Das

“Big-heartedness is the most essential virtue on the spiritual journey” …………………………………………………. Matthew Fox

“Spreading a straw mat on the field, I sat and gazed… At the plum blossoms” …………………………………………Buson

THIS will be brief…. promise……Sunday morning, kids just left after six-day visit…. Nanna and Poppy cleaning and recovering……Every picture tells a story, story……so that’s mostly what we have this edition….and Way TOO Many…

Sunday lunch on the ground with the French Chef and his wannabe Francophile bride…. check out the flaming of the grand Crème Brule…

Laves, Leaves, Leaves……………………………

Le Grand tomato plant covering contraption………

Virtual training this week with Anguilla in the Carib………sunlight, sand and beach out the training room window…. longing in my heart……

Ruth Bader Ginsberg……oh my…. giant loss of a woman of great substance……. Can we just export Mitch McConnell to China?

A thousand new cases a day in Ohio…. three last week in the state of Vermont- what is wrong with this picture?

Color is up, temps are down, POND is fading………………………………….

Had six days with three year old Quin-Lily and seven month old Baby Harper(and their parents Ry and Lauren)…..Nanna and Papi heaven…..had only spent snippets twice before with Harper thanks to The Plague…so bonding it was……long time since we had rug rats, and no one in our house since June…..exhausting, exhilarating……absolute mayhem for a week, which we would not trade for anything….Priceless….Apple picking, corn-hole tournament,  chasing frogs in The POND… sunny 72 degree day with floaties out and Quinn swimming between N/P floats in quite chilly water….kite flying…..kid/dogs walk up the trail…..the magic floating bridge on The Appalachian Trail, The Queen preparing wonderful meals to compensate for our Quarantining family…..more drinking than we do in a month….big-ass Bonfire with S’mores……kids, kids, kids….what a wonder…..

Celebrated Jenn’s 57th birthday during visit along with Ryan Lauren’s twin birthdays…. sent them packing with cooler of Mr. Smith’s pure bred Vermont meats……and now……it is VERY quite……

I said brief …and brief it shall be…..In the interests of non-favoritism, check out link below to see our other treasure, Bebe Sloane video of morning serenade……worth the price of admission…..

Sloane Morning Serenade video.MOV (file://LAPTOP/Users/Stu%20Berry/Documents/Pictures/Mt.%20Holly%202020/Mid-Sept%202/Sloane%20Morning%20Serenade%20video.MOV)

Quotes of the week: “the scientist don’t really know about climate change”, “I don’t really care about all this Black Lives Matter stuff”, “The Virus will be gone very, very soon”…………Enchanting……..


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