Stu’s Reviews- #501- Book- “Night Watchman””- Tony Dunbar

Genre: Book      

Grade:  B

Notable People: Tony Dunbar

Title: “Night Watchman”

Review:    this is the ninth in Dunbar’s Tubby Dubonnet series. Tubby is a N’Awlins lawyer trying to live the good life, but nagged by conscience to do the right thing. Complimented by a splendid cast of characters and Dunbar’s (a local attorney) amazing sense of the city, the books are quality diversions. This one went a little overboard with Tubby becoming haunted with a murder he witnessed when first coming to The Easy in 1970……which leads to the usual mayhem…. how many car bombings can go off unnoticed in one day? The story lost momentum in the last third, and had poor resolve, but a very quick and entertaining read, nonetheless. If so inclined, you could follow Dunbar’s food and drink descriptions for a memorable tour of the city.

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