Mountain Mumblings


“Do anything, but let it produce JOY” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Walt Whitman

“Autumn mornings: sunshine and crisp air, birds and calmness, year’s end and day’s beginnings.” …………………………………………………Terri Guillemets

If you’re walking down the right path, and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you’ll make progress” ………………………………………Barack Obama

                                                Jess Dooit

I am so tired of this, how about you?

I don’t want to be The Lone Ranger anymore.

I want to see your face.

Can we please hug?

Can we shake hands?

Who likes elbows anyway?

I want to go out to eat with my honey.

I want to go to the gym and sit in the steam room.

I want to have people in my house.

I long to go to a diner and languish over the sports page, over lunch.

Take me to the Movies, please…………….

And some music at a Club.

And some music with My Boys,

Yes, I am sure tired of this…all of it…. all of it….

But I am a grownup, a father, an uncle, a brother and friend, a lover……………….

I am a citizen of this country.

I have social responsibilities…not just rights.

Do The Right Thing,

Stand up, speak out against injustice.


Wash your hands,

Stay at home when you can,

Stay ten feet away…maybe twenty,

Wear the Damned Mask………………………………Jess Dooit………….

A slow catch-up week sandwiched by two splendid events:

Bronx Redux- The Boys of Childhood (and their sweeties) gathered by Zoom…. Boomers out of their element……Sunday gathering……the Masters of the Stoop, the Sultans of Stickball, the Scions of the Street……six of the ten original Sedgwick Stinkies……still laughing after nigh sixty years…still holding the Secrets of Teen Angst……still standing…. maybe strange, maybe ecstatic……but PRICELESS……

Adventure Dinner…………………for The Queen’s birthday………driving up the elegance of Route 100- Vermont’s showcase road….through the mountain passes…through the remnants of Autumn Glory…….a mountaintop barn, circa 1909….the culinary stations of the cross…..twinkling barn lights, smells of organic butter being churned, strangers in Masks, four courses of gastronomical delight, matched cocktails of the heart, the wind howls at the ancient windows overlooking the Maple valleys, musical tones sway softly  in the background……how privileged, we are……an adventure only in Vermont…..

Weekly Word Association



The Pond…………………. Dwindling



Granddaughters……… Sprouting

Stick Season……………. Coming

The Donald……………. Bronzing

Uncle Joe………………. Masking

The Streets………………Exploding

Justice……………………. Hovering

Lunatics…………………. Raging



What more is there to possibly say?………………………………Sunday, Sunday………………………………………off to The Islands this week for Leaf Chasing Number Two………………

Smile on your brother…………………………..


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