Winter Comes Early to the Mount

Welcome Freedom Fighters and Semi- Happy Plague Warriors:

“Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence” ………………………………………………………………………………………………Hazrat Inayit Khan

“It’s the Goya thing” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………The Queen on describing having a bagel with butter and jam

“Please lock me away, and don’t allow the days, here inside where I hide with my loneliness……

I don’t care what they say, I won’t stay in a world… without Zoom” ………………………………………………………………………………………Peter, Gordon and Papi

Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really care? ……………What will you do with your bonus hour today? Hour-schmour……. Ain’t much to do these days, except watch the talking heads, dread the next few days and bake more sourdough bread……and it’s gonna get dark before I eventually get dressed. Da-Da-Da…Da-Da-Da…. Da-Da-Da…. Da-Da-Da…. My Corona……

And…then there were two days remaining……let’s just all go out and find a Biden-bus to hold hostage by gunpoint or try to roll over……we are almost living in a third world dictatorship….  Coup, anyone?

(ED. note- sorry about the below-could not get rid of the bold)

And Fauci says………. are we nuts or what?……….Headline: We ‘Could Not Be Positioned More Poorly’ On COVID-19…………….apparently, contrary to our national leadership, he does not think we are “rounding the bend”, “creating herd immunity”, “or that is it no big deal”…..way to stand up, Infection-man….and how long will he stay around, now?      

And then…she discovered Paula Bunyan—-got out the new chainsaw my beloved got me while the sun was peeking out last Sunday and took to the trees….after using the same saw for 35 years, which started occasionally, and ran periodically, this baby….cuts like Buttah’…had two trees downed and cut for firewood in an hour…..and in the mix of it…..The Queen requested saw lessons for the first time in her life ….from there it was stand back, Papi… no getting the machine back from her…..timbers away……got to get the lunkers out of the way in order to plant all those pilfered pine trees

Wild and Crazy outing for the week….in the time of Corona, any adventure, no matter how small, is Golden…so made the hour long  trek up to Claremont (only blue county in New Hampshire) to the Mart, for oil and tiers rotation (Papi) and vision exam (Nanna) and inspecting all the bottom shelves for accuracy (Lucy)…..had drive – thru Pizza Hut for lurch and grabbed the infamous Mart fried chicken for dinner (working on our diet)….Lucy was the swoon of the season for Mart shoppers and employees….Who do you love? Who do you love…. It’s not the Caribbean…but oh well…makin’ do (or doo) ……big stuff…had to come home and nap….

And The Goat…is now our regular Saturday visit…. Smells Lucy a mile away and comes out to the Dump (From where?) ready to nuzzle…while Lucy runs in circles barking at the moon…. Goat, undeterred, climbed into the Subaru this week and refused to get out (and-has horns) …. totally unflappable and a bit of a stinky-mystic……this is my new Corona bestie….

And…. then it Snowed……three inches overnight on Thursday, creating a Winter Wonderland on Friday morning…and an overnight on Friday of fifteen degrees…. gonna need a BIG heater to keep workin’ out in The Barn……snow covered hills against the few remaining red maples…. WHEW…brings tears to my eyes…. joy to my heart…and frost to my toes…could be a long winter…………………………

Goodbye……James Bond……Another childhood icon gone….

Thanksgiving Blues……family, friends, convenience, Chinese delivery and Red heading for Purple…. OR……a bit isolated, holiday alone, NO delivery, but Solid Blue? Got the Mullin’ -Over Blues big time…

Be well, stay warm and SAFE…try an d love one another right now….


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