Stu’s Reviews- #508- TV Series- ” Young Wallander” – Netflix 1 Season

Genre: TV Series        

Grade: B+

Notable People: Adam Paalson, Leanne Best, Richard Dillane, Ellise Chapell Created by: Ben Harris

Title: Young Wallander

Review:  short six-episode prequel to the popular BBC/Netflix show Wallander with the great Kenneth Branaugh. The casting of this one is good, with Paalson channeling a young Branaugh very well, and capturing his imminent stink – level depression that comes with age. Lots of foreshadowing here. Set in Stockholm, and filled with political intrigue, drugs, gangs, terrorists and the usual mayhem. Would’ t work that well as a standalone, but does a pretty good job of being a prequel. Surprisingly, no subtitles.

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