Stu’s Reviews- #513 Book- “Squeeze Me”- Carl Hiaasen

Genre: Book            

Grade:  A-

Notable People: Carl Hiaasen

Title: “Squeeze Me” “

Review:    Hiaasen is the wonderful Frankenstein creator, mixing the legendary John D. MacDonald and the insane Tom Robbins. He is the heir apparent to MacDonald’s legacy as the prose laureate of south Florida. His books are quirky continuations of Macdonald’s 40 year writing assault on the corruption and colonization of the Everglades, the Keys and the Swamp. He has produced some series but most of his are standalone works, though they tend to recycle some of the same characters for years and books on end. This book had me laughing from start to finish. Written in 20202, and set in post-Pandemic Palm Beach, and mostly around the Winter White House, it is a too-good-to-be true- account of our finally- vacating leader and his wife (Mastodon and Mockingbird to the Secret Service). It has everything you’d want in a read… drunken widows called the POTUS Pussies (or Potussies), unhinged giant Boa Constrictors, stoned secret service agents, lunatic campaigns against illegal immigrants, wild sex in the halls of the White House, and a guest appearance of the long missing one eyed Florida Governor living hermitically in the swamp….and a wonderful protagonist. Angie, who is a wild animal remover. The take on the Trumpsters is beyond wonderful. Need a Corona- break…this will do it.

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