Stu’s Reviews- #515- TV Series/Documentary- ” An Untold History of the United States” – Showtime/Amazon- Mini- Series

Genre: TV Series

Grade: B+

Notable People: Oliver Stone

Title: An Untold History of the United States

Review:  Stone is an absolutely brilliant filmmaker and no less so a documentarian. This 2012- twelve-part series is well worth watching given the times we have lived through for the last four years-and beyond. Stone is an avowed communist and that is reflected in his negative attitude towards what he sees as US imperialism and colonialism…..and a very soft spot for all things USSR. Despite that, this is an overwhelmingly informative, extraordinarily well put together and will blow your mind. The doc picks up between the world wars and goes through the Obama administration, leaving cloud of uncertainty and doubt in its wake. It will certainly make you rethink the Kennedy assassination, Truman’s; legacy, Gorbachev and the dismantling of the USSR and the impact of the atom bomb. We watched in small doses over dinner, which may be the best way to absorb such potent material.

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