Stu’s Reviews- #519 Book- “The Cruellest Month”- Louise Penny

Genre: Book   

Grade:  A-

Notable People: Louise Penny

Title: “The Cruellest Month “

Review:    Fascinating……these books are mysteries but beautifully chronicle to unique Quebecois culture of the rural Eastern Townships of Southern Quebec. It’s amazing how you can cross the border and five minutes later it is like being in the French countryside. Penny does an incredible job of painting the place and culture- and far transcends the mystery genre. Chief Inspector Armand Gamache is an unforgettable character, and the fictional village of Three Pines a place we will all want to visit…maybe stay. The whodunit part may be a little farfetched – this one involves murder at séance in a clearly haunted house- but, then, who cares. This is book #3 of the current 14 editions….gonna have to pace them out or I’ll be through them all by the end of the year.

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