Stu’s Reviews- #520- Book- “The Fallen”- David Baldacci

Genre: Book        

Grade:  B+/B

Notable People: David Baldacci

Title: “The Fallen “

Review:    the ten thousandth listing in this book machine author’s catalog, and fourth in “The Memory Man” series……this stuff is all new to me. I’ve known of Baldacci for years, but managed to never read any of his work…since I generally turn my nose up at NY times bestselling authors. But, alas, the library is mostly closed and getting books from other libraries has slowed to a crawl…so I was lost and jonesing. Hit the living room shelves, where our benefactress had a wellspring of popular books and picked out this one. Baldacci has created a fascinating protagonist in Amos Decker, former pro footballer with head injuries, who is a semi- FBI agent with perfect recall and total lack of emotional response. The story line is pretty farfetched … in how may deaths, bombings, kidnappings, sabotage can happen in two weeks in a small town in Western PA….but Baldacci write really well, his characters jump off the page, and he kept me in suspense for a week…so…all in all…worth a shot.

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