Stu’s Reviews- #534- TV Series – “Ramy”- Hulu -2 Seasons

Genre: TV Series    

Grade: B+

Notable People: Ramy Youssef, Hiam Abass, Amr Waked, May Calamawi, Created by: Ramy Youssef

Title: Ramy

Review:  Bizarre show chronicling the lives of a traditional Egyptian family resettled in the North Jersey burbs….in dramedy form. Found this show barely watchable initially, but it really grew on me. This is a culture most of us know little about, but Ramy’s take on the subtleties of living in two worlds in quite the effort. Abass (“Succession”), as his mother, plays a role for the ages- chain smoking, watching TV game shows all day and driving an Uber. Alternates between laughing and crying. Very different from most anything l see on TV. The gifted Mahershala Ali has a brilliant recurring role…. bonus.

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