Stu’s Reviews- #539 – Book- “Exiles”- Cary Groner

Genre: Book   

Grade:  A-

Notable People: Cary Groner

Title:  ” Exiles”

Review:    This book, unfortunately, went quickly to the giveaway pile, where I found it in the freebies bin at the library. A shame, since I thought it was a very fine fist novel, by a longtime journalist and short story writer. A heart doctor and his 17-year-old daughter escape their meth head wife/mother, and her crazed biker lover, in Berkeley by throwing a dart on a world map and jabbing Nepal and Katmandu. From there it is a wild ride of self-discovery, loss, adaptation and survival. The book was nothing like I thought it would be at the start and totally captivated me. Very well written and insights into a culture most of us know nothing about. Wonderful character development and you’ll learn more than you ever expected about the Nepali /Tibetan culture. A real sleeper!

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