It’s Just Another Day…….

Last Dance version, my friends:

“Each day’s a new day, Confusin’ at best.

 We drive on unclear, though it all seems to test,

  Our feelings of strength, while we all stay oppressed.

  The truth remains….quite overdue.”……………

”Confusin’ at Best”………………Ferlin’ Norris


Last Dance version, my friends:

“Each day’s a new day, Confusin’ at best.

  We drive on unclear, though it all seems to test,

  Our feelings of strength, while we all stay oppressed.

  The truth remains…. quite overdue.” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….” Confusin’ at Best” ………………Ferlin’ Norris

The cars are getting packed……the house is getting stored up……the backs are achin’……the animals are going nuts with the activity ……. Time has come today……. Time………off tomorrow morning for the Heartland return…. little darlin’……it’s been a long and lonely winter……………………. after another 2-3 feet of snow this week in the mountain Snowbelt, hoping for a slightly greener pastures……so this short one is it for a while………………………

Got in one last drive/ride/hike last Sunday ……trudging and slip sliding through a snow covered dirt road….and then on to Honeypie for the exotic sausages……we had another 18 inches the night before, which simply adds to the biggest ongoing pile of snow I’ve ever seen……it’s no wonder people wear chains on their boots here………………

The Snow Queen finally got out on the slopes on Thursday……in sun and balmy 25 degrees (generally shorts and flip glop weather in the Greens)……she rounded up all borrowed equipment, and headed over to the next ridge  at Okemo……got in three runs…and came home exhausted, sore and with a sprained thumb…..ah, the sporting life……did not cost a fortune as she was gifted a daily VIP pass from our friend who works at local giant, GE…….but the price list for skiing??????……is this one of the ultimate forms of white privilege?????……Holy cow….

When we sold our Subaru, we took off the crossbars on the roof rack…imagining they were standard and would simply fit the roof rack on the new car…..NOT…..shamefully procrastinated checking until a few days ago, to learn they did not fit…..which would mean traveling back without the usual car top carrier……would not be that hard without three animals roaming loose through the car and schlepping all their gear……so had to spend three last minute hours in piles of snow and 15 degree temps (still can’t get into the snow blocked barn/garage) jury rigging the cross bars to fit the roof rack on the new Jeep……which, despite frostbitten toes and fingers, we managed to do together, without calling the police for a domestic……………………..

So…this is my requiem for a mountain Covid winter……..had one last dinner on the ground at the Jewish Pig Farmer and the Empress of Death Farm……lucked out for eating outside around the fire pit, with 35 and light snow….fine dining weather , even for standing around in three feet of snow…..and the JPF went whole hog (no pun) on an Indian (dots) feast…..the entertainment for the day consisted of watching them burn a three by three plastic tub’s worth of herbal delight from their bumper crop……I could not stop trying to estimate street value as they fed the fire…and wondered why the neighboring farmers kept drifting by to take a whiff……apparently surplus bud burnin’ is a thing in Vermont….

So……its’ off to packin, haulin’ and loadin’……have to fit in a run to see The Dumpmaster, who said he will forever curse our trash, if I don’t bring “the little lady” by before we leave…. apparently he remains our principle mountain obligation……so will be back somewhere on the other side….

Until then, remain vigilant, stay safe, wear you mask, love the ones you’re with….and stay in touch….

Your Humble Servant…or maybe it is Savant………, Stu

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