Stu’s Reviews- #570- TV Series – “The Handmaid’s Tale”- Hulu 4 Seasons

Genre: TV Series

Grade: A-

Notable People:  Elizabeth Moss, Joseph Fiennes, Yvonne Strahovski, Created by: Bruce Miller

Title: The Handmaid’s Tale

Review: Season Four completed last night, was way out on the fringe emotionally and intensely. Everyone either loves or hates this show. I lean towards love, but with some reservations. Season four dragged at times with too many flashbacks and felt completely over the top at others. Moss’ PTSD seems caricatured some episodes, and the dialog wavers at times. That all said, this is brilliant television. Moss redefines living right to the edge, Fiennes is brilliant in his almost nice man ultimate evil, and Strahovski, as Serena Joy, turns in a career performance (check her out a few season on “Dexter”). The show is uber-bizarre at times, but forces us to face the realities of a world run amok, which we have stuck our feet into the water with, in recent years. The finale of season four left me wondering how there could be another season, but have not heard anything to the contrary. This show is not for the over-sensitive or squeamish.

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