Back on The Mount………

Greetings Fellow Travelers –and Happy Independence Day to all:

“Summer Lightning! Yesterday in the East, today in the West” …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Takari Kikaku

“After all, if I can’t be myself, who can?” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Patrick Dennis

“We WILL Survive” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Garcia/Hunter

Got back on Thursday after a uniquely uneventful two-day drive, with the animals all roaming about the packed cars. Overnight in Binghamton with classic Chinese from a dive near the hotel. Not a lot has YET happened, but thought to get in a little BLOG practice with quick hello to all……Welcome Back, Kotter………. thus, a simple few observations:

We left weeks of 90 degrees plus tropics in the Heartland to arrive to three straight days of all day rain and fifty degree temps………welcome to the mountains…

Already missing the three granddaughters (and the one due shortly) who we spent four plus months seeing a lot of…as Ohio began to return to some sense of normal….the birds came out….the Cicadas went nuts….had people in our house and even staying over for the first time in 15 months, actually got on plane and went to see The Prodigal for a glorious week in Paradise, went to TWO real baseball games, and The Band started to play again….so will be more jonesing than usual for the kids, grandkids and old friends

We may need a property management company if we are going to stay in the Heartland this late in the season. We had Ancient George mow for us, but clearly that is more like bush hogging, so the yard is a mess with four foot stalks surrounding THE POND, trees and rocks. May need triple chiropractic appointments after we get it all wacked……hard to tell what shape The POND is in, as can’t see it yet…but, MURKY, seems apparent……

Cable companies……. I’m looking for a rifle and bell tower…. Comcast promised a simple “plug it in, it will work” internet experience…which went fine until they then wanted a security check by sending me the ubiquitous security code via text……problem being no internet, no phones, no text, no nothin’…… Well, internet got up and running –after two trips to the closest mountaintop to get a one- bar -cell – signal if I stood on one leg and faced north by northeast with the wind at my back…just so I could call Comcast and tell them we could not get a security text code because we had no phones without the internet. Had to change all our security settings…spent hours and hours……. but now working……BUT phone booster not working –so still no phone service and no help from sprint…….so may be on non-speaking terms with the rest of the world…. Zoom, anyone?……………….Country livin’………

Aging does not boost moving- in experiences…seems like what used to take us a day, may be taking a week…even with our level of obsessiveness….175-year-old houses need lots of opening up love…. gettin’ there, but really need a yard/house boy badly…takers?

Have not left the manse except for the most expensive grocery trip in history, two trips to Rutland to find dam printer ink, and quick hitters to replenish at Ramuntos, Java Babas and Taco-Taco……the grand culinary trifecta for homeless people……………………

Today is first community event in Mt. Holly in two years…and The Queen is off to help get the Association float ready for the eight-minute parade at noon…. will be our first venture into a (mostly) maskless Vermont world (almost 90% Vax rate here)….so will see how much our friends and peeps have aged in two years….hoping for an exotic sausage run down to Londonderry later today…and a much needed dirt road walk….

And finally, now that Vermont is legalized and edibles are the rage…. date night has been re-dubbed “Cookie and Nookie”….only in Vermont….the Brave Little state…..

May the year ahead be a lot better than the year behind…. for all of us, I’ll be in touch…and we’ll keep the light n for you……..


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