Stu’s Reviews- #576- Book – “The Nature of the Beast”- Louise Penny

Genre: Book

Grade: A-

Notable People:  Louise Penny

Title: The Nature of the Beast

Review: I think by now everyone who reads this knows how I regard Penny’s Gamache works. This is the 11th in this astounding series that combines mystery with philosophy, psychology, religion and a great deal of angst…. all told by an absolute master storyteller. This one has a now retired Gamache newly settled in the idyll of Three Pines in the Eastern Townships of southern Quebec- just a throw from the Vermont border……grappling with the discovery of the largest weapon of mass destruction ever assembled which has been hiding in the woods for almost 30 years. There is murder, mayhem, The Whore of Babylon (no shit!), Neil Young and the ever more revealed cast of wonderful characters. Did I mention we also have Saddam Hussein? I though this one might be a wee bit more farfetched than the previous tall stories-but still almost impossible to put down. The next one is by my bedside, but I need to read a few other books first, to avoid feeling like an addict.

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