Rain Makes The Greens REALLY Green


“Give me those Green country mountains; give me that Green country air” ………………………………………………………………MacGuffy Lane

“Having no destination, I am never lost” ………Ikkyu

“You have come to the shore- there are no instructions” ………………………………………………………Denise Levertov

Strange week, filled with various obsessions……. No pictures this week……. too obsessed……No real Mojo……just some randoms……

  1. Who’ll stop the rain?………………………seven of last nine days……may be the end of the world as we know it……………no climate change here……
  • I’d love to see the Green, Green grass of home……………………. mowed and whacked five times in two weeks….is this semi-retirement?……with a fifty year old riding mower that will soon be likely seeking respite…..
  • Into The Mystic…………………after a months long search, located a mystical Shaman- Osteopath up in Middlebury, and made the hour trek to see him…. pipe, classical music, dog in the treatment room…have had one of these mystics in the Heartland, never thought I’d find another…. keepin’ the torso nubile…
  • Cheeseburger in Paradise…………it has become hard to find restaurants open much these days in the mountains, with the COVID induced worker shortage…. but had couple of jewels this week at local Paisanos Deli (hidden in the bowels of a raunchy carryout in downtown Rutland)- and the Café Provence bakery (in Brandon, on the way to The Mystic and the dispensary) …. (4A) you can get it if you really want it…
  • I believe in you…………………the next to closest local library, in Ludlow, allows you to order books on line….and they put it out in a grocery bag for you to pick up whenever……. trust is a beautiful thing…. kind of the polar opposite of dealing with the postal service, the IRS, the phone and cable behemoths……
  • Security, Yeah, Yeah……I want some security………………………how many times have you gotten a response online that required sending you a security code to your phone?……try dealing with that with no cell signal…  and the requisite fifteen-minute expiration time on the code……trust is a beautiful thing…
  • It is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius……. Farmers’ markets in Vermont are like a trip to Woodstock or The Haight……naked, children, dogs abounding, patchouli in the air, hippie musicians….and a ton of Granola……it’s another sign of the return to some normalcy here in the 90% Vax state….
  • I woulda followed all the way to the graveyard……………………………………wandering the verdant mountain landscape, we come upon another of the magical places that dot the Vermont mountain skyline…. rich with terraced levels of beauty, mountains above-valley below…..stones gently asleep in wonderfully precise formation….telling the stories of lives and times…..there is such a beauty off a back road in Ludlow….who knew?
  • You’ve got a friend…….The queen went prowlin’ this week (takin’ a break from on line shopping, whacking  and volunteering)to find the Woolley man, who is the emperor of roads in our hamlet……and flirted enough to get him on our side on the issue of the replacement of our little bridge which lead to the Manoir…..state wants to update our backyard dirt path into a passable road, whilst they replace the bridge….which would turn our driveway into a super highway…..but, no…..The Bowbie says (9A) don’t worry, be happy…..he’ll nudge them to put in a temp replacement bridge instead…..once again The Queen Greases the Bowbie…..
  1. Get yourself a little piece of watermelon, put it in your mouth, it tastes like heaven………bought a luscious watermelon this week at Hannaford….which was left on the counter when after a day at home,  it seemed to be a deflated melon…all squishy and stuff…..TQ felt like she needed to keep it in order to show the grocery bastards what they had done……woke this morning to three gallons of watermelon juice all over the counter, the pantry floor and down into the basement….must have been a juicy one in its prime….
  1. Ring the bells-that still can ring……in four days we have switched from Sprint to AT&T and on to Verizon……worse than used car shopping……and still searching for a mountain dial tone…is it evil to want to have a flip phone?

If you’ve made it this far, there is now a bonus….A QUIZ……Match the creator below with the numbered phrase or lyric above……winner gets  four old cell phones with cords…

Carol King___

Etta James___

John Fogerty___

Leonard Cohen___


Bob Marley___

Eric Weisberg and Deliverance___

Merle Haggard____

Neil Young___


Jimmy Buffett___

Van The Man___

Bobby McFerrin___

And that has got to be it………. Feliz Navidad………………………Ferlin’

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