Stu’s Reviews- #581- Book – “Shadows in Bronze”- Lindsey Davis

Genre: Book  

Grade: B+

Notable People:  Lindsey Davis

Title: Shadows in Bronze

Review: Who would have thunk that a gumshoe series set in ancient Rome would be a thing? Obviously, Davis does, and so do a million readers. This is the second in God knows how many in this series dating back to the late 80s (this one is 1991). Our reluctant hero, Didius Falco, resumes his nocturnal, clandestine activities and chases after his beloved maiden, Helena. These books will inform you more than you ever probably thought you wanted to know about all things of the Roman Epoch. Well written and dialoged, with compelling characters. A bit of challenge to get the knack of the language and terminology at first, but I’m moving on to number three.

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