Back in the Greens…….

Good Golly, Miss Molly:

“Be Silly, Be Honest, Be Kind” …………………………………………………………………Ralph Waldo Emerson

“I’m alone here in my own mind. There is no map and there is no road” …………………………………………. Anne Sexton

“Eternity is a terrible thought. I mean, where’s it going to end?” …………………………………………………………Tom Stoppard

Well…. feelin’ a little off kilter with getting back on the Vermont Blog trip, when we have been gone for most of the last three weeks…. back to the Heartland, for all things granddaughters…. Can’t remember much about what was going on before we left….and it’s been a whirlwind since we got back late Wednesday.

New baby Parker Maxwell is a joy…. both she and Mama Tess are doing fine. We got in good cuddle time, but spent most of 12 days with almost –three- year old Sloane…who has decided Nana and Papi are The Bomb…at least most of the time (she is still in the throes of “two-ness”). We chased frogs, fairies and butterflies and ate mounds of DQ soft serve…while exploring a good many of the parks in Central Ohio. Dropped in an overnight to Cleveland to get in some Harper and Quin-Lily time before they left for vacation in Florida………12 days of 0-4-year-old granddaughters……Nana and Papi came back to Vermont to get some sleep.

Travels did not stop The Queen from her continuing rigorous pursuit of home improvements….in both places!……. Managed to resume her interrupted- assault on the wallpaper in Delaware as well as setting the stage for her zoom-managed double bathroom remodeling in October……… Back in Vermont, immediately continued her assault on all things garden and the redo of upper hallway. The girl loves her projects…and no Marriott escapes in sight for Papi….

Left here end of August in throes of summer heatwave…. got back to the briskness of Autumn…leaves changing in earnest…. after a few days of unsettled mess, got back into the swing with couple of nice walks over the weekend and visits to Rutland to Ernie’s hand carved and the Indian joint in the gas station. Sister Jane was due this week for resuming annual visitation, but some back problems put her on the shelf, so TQ will have to celebrate her pending birthday without big sister (who shares same b’day).

We did both drives- hither and yon- with all three animals loose in the car for 12 hours each way……. wondering what the truckers thought looking down at lil’ Saffron taking a dump in the car litter box? 10-4, baby……

Since most of our life recently has been about our four spirited granddaughters…. that’s all I got on the photo front…and not much more to say.

I have, however, been pondering some serious life questions lately…so here we go:

What exactly is a “Bin Night”? (Australian TV)

Is it heresy for someone of my ilk and persuasion to have become really fond of “W”?

Has anyone ever had an uplifting customer service experience with a cell phone company?

When was the last time you laughed until your cried?

Does anyone wear pants on Zoom calls?

Did we really have Olympics on the middle of a Pandemic?

Is it fathomable that over 80 million American adults remain unvaccinated?

Is 70 really the new 40?

Have you noticed that fast food restaurants cannot stay open because they have no one to work? And, how does McDonalds feel about Trump-era immigration policy?

Is there anywhere better to be in The Autumn than the Green Mountains?

Hoping these questions don’t keep you up at night…..back oi nth bandwagon in full throttle next week. Joy to the world.


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