Mountain Beauty

Fin Septembre:

“The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough” ……………………………………………………………………………………………Rabindranath Tagore

“Walk on air against your better judgment” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Seamus Heaney

“I have the same religion as that tree over there” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Serj Tankian

Out and about is the order of the week in the Greens. Autumn is approaching in earnest, with chilly morns and bright sunny afternoons, turning into harvest-moon brisk nights…. first time this season seeing the mist burning off the barn in early morning, as the dew disappears from the fresh cut grass and the sun heats up the emerging colors.

Last Sunday was such a day, so we set out for a late afternoon trek, up to Mendon-on the other side of the mountain- to find a couple of walks….at that time of day when the fading light provides a softness to quiet the over active brain……walked one dirt road and came upon The True Queen of the Mountains…a ninety- something rugged Vermont gal out on her big-ass tractor……who stopped to give us insider tips on secret hiking majesty……then off to the beloved East for Sunday Chinese. ……. we generally do not go into restaurants and eat- in during The Plaque, but East is huge and elegant, and no one else there at early Sunday dinner time, so we sit by the window in the last of the light….and feast…. you can maybe take the Bronx out of the boy……but not the Sunday Chinese habit……

We dog sat for four days this week…..inheriting big Lucy…..a full blown poodle whilst her mama had to be away….had never met dog or master before….but a friend of a friend…….Big Lucy, and her master, Karen, had that amazing person-dog look alike thing going….both physically and in manner……both very uncomfortable….so she longingly sat by the front door for most of two days, and then made herself at home just in time to leave….Karen left her whist visiting her sister in Maine, taking her other “service” dog along…..not sure what exact service the dog was needed to provide, but then the whole emotional support dog thing is a bit of a mystery to me….do they give therapy? Are they Freudian in approach?

Have not seen much of The Queen last few weeks, as she fulfills her role as The Czar/ Bull Goose Looney of the community association…and spends most of her days deep in the doo of overseeing the preparations for the upcoming Cider Days Festival on our town green……a Top Ten New England Fall Event, mind you……I only know she has been around hither and yon…as there appear more walls stripped upstairs and more yard torn up and replaced by cardboard and hay….is there an end?

Papi and Lucy left to their own devices, took off for a couple of long Fall walks this week , on the local dirt roads, where we encountered some mountain women who educated us both on: 1) the Socialist plot to control America through vaccination, 2) the reasons why little lives should never be aborted….for ANY reason, and 3) the absurdity of the idea that the Communist-Atheists want to pull the plug on a brain-dead living person while their heart is still beating…luckily it was a beautiful spot we conversed at, which provided me a fine view over their talking heads of the mountains beyond….while Lucy wandered around finding dead animals to roll in and get away from the verbal stench…had to come home and take a very long nap…

This week marked the return of two wonderful streaming series we have waited for with baited breath…. the final season of Goliath on Amazon, and the masterful Sex Education on Netflix…. major keepers……

Contest alert……………Papi has not donned a pair of long pants since June….and now considering how long he can go without such adornment……so, pick a date for me to cover my legs before the snow flies….and win a lifetime subscription to The Blog……really!

Friday night was the monthly lady’s night gathering on The Mount….so TQ took off to join two dozen mountain-mamas with their tool belts, patchouli and squash casseroles for a night of clucking……which gave Papi the opportunity to sneak down to Sal’s in Wallingford for prohibited take out dining of baby cow (an absolute no-no) …along with a cup of pasta fazzoul…and the Sox and Yankees on the tube…when is the next Ladies night?

Yesterday dawned as The Perfect Fall Day….so tripped north to the Brandon Pass for some magnificent views and a pair of walks in the woods…. stopping along the way at a new find boasting the best fried chicken in New England……not sure if it’s the Rollin’ Rooster, Clickin’ Chicken’ or Fuckin’ Cluckin’……but locally raised chicken on homemade bread with apple fennel slaw, aioli, cheddar and bacon…. OMG…. had to eat salads for dinner last night……

As we arrived home late afternoon, we could smell the ripe aromas of goat braising on the spit…turned on to out dirt drive to find at least two dozen Jamaicans with a dozen cars and a dozen or more tents set up in the yard…it was like running the gauntlet…. but The Rastas are back for the first time in months with the biggest crew yet…. essentially doubling the people- of- color population of Rutland county……

And, that is it…or should be……got to go see if I can find TQ and mount a Sunday drive to put up dozens more posters for the Cider Daze extravaganza in every quaint village within an hour’s drive…. But…… the sun’s coming up…I’m riding with lady luck…freeways, cars and trucks……

Till then,


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