Autumn Unwinding

Hello Fellow Travelers:

“A cool breeze, the grasshopper singing with all his might” ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Issa

“When I argue with reality, I lose- but only 100 per cent of the time” …………………………………………Byron Katie

“C’est la vie say the old folks, you better know you never can tell” ……………………………………………………………………………………. Chuck Berry

“That bedspread looks like it’s from the Bates Motel” ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Lauren Butch

It’s been a very slow unwinding of Autumn here in the Greens. Started with an early bang, at the start of August, mind you, but has slowed to a crawl, and now looking for a mid-late October peaking. But, it is Fall, after all, and if you live in northern New England, it is time to get yer arse out there. For 20 plus years, we spent three weeks’ vacation every Fall roaming around the hills and dales of Vermont, and tried not to give that experience up, when we moved up-so we now plan three “fall outings” every Fall to go peeping. This week, was outing number one, up to the coast of Maine, which we do annually, but usually much later in the tourist season, to avoid the masses. Constantly amazed at the miles and miles and miles of wonderful empty beaches along the coast this time of year, and that the tourists all flock to the crowded streets of Olgongiut and Kennebunkport to stay together like moths around a light. Why do we do that?

But, I digress……again……and again……mostly a beautiful week here in the Greens, with classic fall weather, which took us for a hike- hunt last Sunday and resulted in lunch at the weird middle-of-nowhere sausage place down in Stratton and a visit to the Hapgood Pond national recreation area, which is closed for the season, but apparently not for us.

Early week was a blitz of work and home/ hearth chores (The Queen never sleeps) …and then off to Maine on Wednesday. Stayed in Kennebunk at a cute cottage in an old fashioned motor court (which still thrive in New England) and trolled every beach between Portsmouth, NH and Portland, Maine……with the requisite hunt for the world’s best lobster roll. At one point, driving along the coast we looked up and seemed to spot Big Lucy, the dog we cared for last week, at a beach parking area, which turned out to be a run in with the people we dog sat for…on a remote Maine beach…how does that happen?

If you go to that area of Main, it is a must to check out the Rachel Carson (“Silent Spring”) National Wildlife Refuge….an enduring walk in the woods by the ocean…

Got back Friday night after a stop at Claremont New Hampshire for some tax free shopping (Live Free or Die) ……and settled in a for a wet weekend. Enthralled with the end of the major league baseball season with multiple teams going down to the last day for playoff entry…. despite much harassment from my NY family and childhood friends, we have become Sox fans since moving to Vermont……so now root against the hated Yankees……who may well wind up playing each other in a one game play-in wild card for the payoffs. Fall leaves and baseball……what’s not to like?

Had the Erstwhile Russian Spy and the Worlds Most Beloved School Marm over for dinner last night, and got a roaring fire going in the living room….and they stayed for five hours!!!!…. which far eclipsed my usual social boundary…. a three hour max (and five nights for family visiting) ……but it was fine dinner and a good visit…though I was exhausted after five hours of socializing…. I think I am suited for COVID isolation more than most.

The Nave is coming from Ohio on Wednesday for a week’s visit with Lucy’s BFF- Rosie. We will be playing a set next Saturday at the Cider Daze extravaganza…after which there may be a Queen sighting for the first time in a month, as she winds down from her Community Association Czar activities in preparation for the big festival weekend……the prepping of The Cow Plop contest has been particularly time intensive……. then off for another Fall Outing the week after this.

The bathroom remodelings are in full swing back in our Ohio house (how cool is it to have house remodeling done and not be around for the chaos?) ……though the Vermont projects seem to be in half-repair limbo due to The Q’s active pursuit of Yenta-ing…..

And that is about…every picture tells a story, story…and there are a lot of them this week.

Stay safe, have fun, enjoy the change of season…be in touch.

Joy to the world,


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