Stu’s Reviews- #616- TV Series – “The Roosevelts”- PBS- 1 Season

Genre: TV Series  

Grade: A+++

Notable People: Ken Burns

Title: The Roosevelts

Review: what is there to say about Ken Burns? By far, the greatest documentarian of our times (maybe of any time and any place) ……the man takes his subjects (baseball, country music, Vietnam, you name it) and brings it to life in a gripping and powerful way. And, then…you have the three Roosevelts- truly giants of our modern world. Cannot even imagine what our county and word would be like if not for them (think lynching, Hitler, bread lines). Given our sad state of current affairs, it is hard not to weep at the extraordinary tenacity, courage and inspirational leadership of Teddy, Eleanor and, especially, Franklin……these were simply amazing people who stewarded the world the most dangerous and chaotic times (and let us not gloss over the role of dear Winston on the other side of The Pond). This seven part, 14 hour epiphany should be required viewing for every American………pure brilliance.

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