Stu’s Reviews- #650- TV Series – “The Girl From Oslo”- Netflix – 1 Season

Genre: TV Series   

Grade: A-/B+

Notable People: Anneke Von der Lippe, Amos Tamam, Andrea Berntzen, Daniel Littman, Created by: Kyrree Johannessen and Ronit Berkowitz

Title: The Girl from Oslo

Review: Very intense Norwegian/Israeli drama that takes place in Gaza and involves a terrorist kidnapping of a Norwegian girl from Israel. It’s a harrowing portrait of life in a constant war zone and the extraordinary craziness and enmity between ISIS, The Israelis and Hamas. Not a particularly pleasant show, but well done, well-acted and gripping. Living here in America, this is a reminder of what life is like in many places. Somewhat brutal experience, this show. Half sub-titled- half in English. Surprisingly, seemed to leave the door open for a second season.

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