My, Oh My…how Green it is………

Greetings fellow seekers:

“Only from the heart, can you touch the sky” ………………………………………………………………………………………Rumi

“When the resistance is gone, so are the demons” ………………………………………………………………………………Pema Chodron

“Da doo dah run run, da doo rah run” …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Leonard Cohen

Did you wake up yesterday in tepid anticipation, and slyly watch your inbox, only to lightly despair at the absence of The Blog Missive? Well……. Oops, there goes another one of those….

My deepest apologies, but hit the road at dawnish yesterday for a day on the water at Lake George…and had nuthin’ left post boat-coital……not the man I used to be……so, please accept the Monday edition as a weak replacement for all things Bloggish……. but, I get ahead of myself……and, since Monday, is sluggish/Bloggish to begin with, let’s try for mostly short -and occasionally sweet – this week……

July 4th was the expected rave up here at The Mount- got to see, the usual peeps on the parade route. The Queen and her followers had one of two grand floats for the all-time record short 3.5 minute parade….the whole thing is like an old Heinz commercial, but apparently word has spread here about my winter bodily functions- so had the pleasure of listening to no less than four EXTENSIVE prostate stories, the best (or most detailed)  from our former state rep, DD da DD, who is lost without a coffee pot to pour on your lap…From there it was sneak attack down to the West Rutland snack bar…one of the many you’d’- never -believe -the -food -they –ambitiously- serve at snack bars around the Greens………then we sought out our favorite Rutland inner city park hike, which is required , as in no hike-no snack bar…no squeegee….

Tuesday brought the long anticipated set of Deep Cleaners that TQ has insisted on…..ten woman hours later they had moderately finished 4 rooms…which I suppose are more deeply cleaned, tho I can’t really tell….maybe it’s a Zen concept…in any case, I can’t find anything since they left, which in itself is pretty deep….and the one savant -type woman, who occasionally seemed to be muttering “Wopner, Wopner”…..told us that we were a perfect match…which is probably the clear end point of 30 yrs. of therapy….whew, glad that is over…..

And how about that weather?….for Midwestern kiddies, having day after day be mid-high 70s devoid of humidity, and sweater nights…..must be “The Good Place”… we spent midweek obsessively grooming the grounds to Augusta specs… to use every power machine we own, and managed not to destroy any more of her majesty’s surprise plantings around the rocks….TQ is predicting a bumper crop of rock- blueberries… between each round of lawn perfecting, rumbled over to check on the status of the  mysterious well leak, which is startlingly pretty dried out now…in typical you-will- always –be- a-flatlander fashion- we have now consulted with 8 mountain experts  –none of whom have a clear answer…but consensus is …to ignore it…an answer I generally prefer (see the return-of- the –livin- dead refrigerator)…….so hopefully, when we have house full of band mates in early August, we may still have water and refrigeration!?!…….Have I mentioned that the aforementioned near-dead, astutely, hammered back to life  fridge, has now run perfectly for two weeks….

We had a midweek first- sighting visit from the Jewish Pig farmer, who busted in announcing marital woes between he and the Empress of Death….sad story and a bit overwhelming when awakened from late afternoon post-chores slumber, but am going to  spend a few Chinese dinners trying to lend chopstick perspective….Friday, TQ decided, was night for girls cocktail hour, so the longtime (and soon  retiring after 98 years on the job)Sweetheart of GE, the World’s Most Beloved School Marm and the TQ’s predecessor as the decades long Queen of Mt. Holly, gathered for drinks and nosh….which sent The Lucy and I scurrying to the Ludlow Farmers market, which was pleasantly quiet after the insanity of the previous week’s July 4th weekend market, full of Fat Jersey-ites and demented Connecticoats….we then hit the lovely Ludlow cemetery for twilight views and undisturbed walking and pooping  (both of us)….

Saturday was mostly another outside work day (are we done for the season yet?) after a trip to the dump produced the first ever apologies from The Dumpmaster for stating previously his availability to take my spot in the manor once I move to the other side. I told him, no offense taken, and wondered what did he think about our well drip?

And then yesterday was spent cruising up and down Lake George, with six thousand other boat- or- die types in a giant pontoon acquired by the Masseuse in the Trailer and hubby, Mike.…. picture perfect day, cool but invigorating lake water, sun on the verge of burn, but not quite ……………….and a nice drive thru the lower ‘Rondacks to get there…

And now. Monday, Monday…can’t trust that day……got to get back to healing the world with my virtual sessions…..considering a one off Marriott night midweek for all day retreat up north……might fill my anonymity jones for a bit……Be well, stay in touch, register to vote multiple tams in multiple states…..


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