Parched in the Greens

Friends and Countrymen:

“Clear moments are so short. There is much more Darkness”…………………………………Adam Zagajewski

“You may follow one stream. Realize it lead to the Ocean, but do not mistake the stream for the Ocean” …Jan- Fishman- Khan

“We’re gonna need a bigger boat” ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Chief Brody

Popcorn time……Popcorn time……Hot Buttered Soul    Itzhak?……..Isaac?……Moosac?……..It’s too late to turn back now…. I believe, I believe……

Goin’ with the short stuff this week………………………………Voila…………………………Ici……………………Aqui……………………………………………………

Green Perfection………could it be more Green in the Greens……as the day’s fly by, will we lose our grasp…or fuse it in the sun?……………………..75, sunny, zero humidity, 45 at night, blah, blah, blah……but, how dry it is……. the rivers are still…. The Pond shrinketh…. the grass browneth……the thirst non- quencheth……

Road Trip– overnight to the quiet of remote summer Marriott…. up the ancient Connecticut River Valley……rollin’ up the river, rollin’, rollin’…….layin’ low with VA affairs….. Mr. Titanium gets the grand suite…which ain’t much, but it is what it is……

White River Junction– in a cloud of excavation reminiscent of the dust bowl……little New England town hides from the inquiring mind……late afternoon sun ramble……cell phone photos…have you seen my phone?……people staring, what is that – a light meter?……an abacus?……Best ever gas station Chinese food…no English……no problem…. Sox on the tube……. chasin, chasin’….

Retreatin’………first live gathering in three years at majesty of Silver Lake State Park, Barnard……. Governors’ Peeps gather to make the world right……best ever back to earth pot luck…how many dishes can you make with chick peas, yogurt and tabbouleh……VERMONT……not live free or die……did everybody pre- test?.is the honor system still relevant…. show me the way……

PC or not PC– is “Justice” still  a relevant word……apparently may be offensive to those treated unjustly ……what dos Papi know….. …I still like the idea…you?

First Music on the Green at The Mount– towns first daughter Jenny Porter on a God-night on the square…. mediocre pizza from the curmudgeons at the General Store…. Yenta central…who is wearing what underwear tonight… the drop…..Jenny and Tony ended night with a Borat anthem, which had the Yentas up turning the Green into the Russian Steppe….…….

Middlebury run– not beginningbury, not endingbury……. seeing the semi-shaman for the tweaking…and the dispensary for the freaking……. drive back over the Brandon Gap…for da views…for da views……Made Ludlow for the Friday Market…for da meats…. for da meats……and quick stop at the Local library, so I can avoid being required to read the house supply…. called ahead and one of the Library Jills (they are all Jill) put bag o’ books out on back porch for me to grab after library closed for weekend…. VERMONT

Is there a Cretin amongst us? – apparently some out of state no-good hot shot has bought up four of the limited restaurant supply in Ludlow……and tho no one has met him, or know who he is…he is a BAD Man……Shame, shame, shame

Cardboard- in The Queens effort to suffocate every blade of grass on the homestead……and grow enough produce for the southern half of the state…. we have everyone on The Mount collecting cardboard for us, and will soon have enough to build a small flimsy summer house……

The Jamaicans Return– en force…. a dozen cars…60-or so people…several goats on a spit….and to the astonishment of the locals……one naked man of color bathing in the river along route 103……it’s a cultural revolution for The Mount…

Dinner on the Ground– hosting a Covid-challenging pot luck here tonight with the Jewish Pig Farmer, the newly retired Empress of GE, The Erstwhile Russian Spy and Worlds’ Most Beloved School marm, our local Reichland couple, and two people I have no categories for yet…but soon…. has the potential for a lot of yogurt…?……

So- may be down for a couple of weeks, as we head back for week in the late July joy of the Heartland next weekend……Got to see a man about a Johnson…let’s check the boys out again…I’m sure they missed this for last few months…. Well, at least we’ll see the granddaughters, the house, the kids and the band……………so there, Johnson Man!!! May stop in to DA Blog next week or you may have to just wait and JONES…. ya never can tell….

Bedtime for Bonzo……STAY GOOD in the HOOD………Lovin’ ya’ll………Ferlin’

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