Stu’s Reviews- #662- Film – “Dead Man” – HBO Max, Apple TV, You Tube

Genre: Film       

Grade: NR

Notable People:  Johnny Depp, Gary Farmer, Crispin Glover, John Hurt, Gabriele Byrne, Iggy Pop, Billy Bob Thornton, Robert Mitchum, Ville Virtanen, Sampo Sarkola, Directed by: Jim Jarmusch

Title: Dead Man

Review: Whom Mama, this is possibly the most bizarre film I have ever seen. The back story: was listening to Dwight Yoakum and Lukas Nelson on Sirius XM and they got into a rap about this movie and the improvised Neil Young live soundtrack- describing the unbelievably esoteric 15-minute opening scene on a train without dialog. It all sounded too much to miss- so found it on HBO-and gave a watch. Bizarre dos not quite cover this 1995 all black and white effort. Depp is a dandy from Cleveland on his way to some very Western place for an accounting job-and that is mostly it for the plot. The film is filled with wild cameo appearances with very young Depp, Thornton, Byrne, Glover and a briefly wild Alfred Molina. One of Depp’s first roles and the great Mitchum’s last. The Young soundtrack is an assault of grunge guitar that perfectly matches this surreal film. Impossible to rate- you have to be really curious for this one.

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