Stu’s Reviews- #668- Book – “Death in Strange Country”- Donna Leon

Genre: Book

Grade: A-

Notable People: Donna Leon

Title: Death in Strange Country

Review: The second in Leon’s award winning series featuring Commisario Guido Brunetti of the Venice policia. Wonderfully written with great-gusto characters who are not merely Italian- they are Venetian……. which I’ve learned, is most definitely a thing. Brunetti is a thoughtful character- much more cerebral than physical and a lifelong Venetian. The detailed descriptions of life in the canal city are absorbing and alluring and the mysteries well-conceived and well developed- with a wry commentary on power and corruption. If you are looking for something to sink your teeth into for a while, there are 32 books in this series that started in 1992 and Leon is still actively writing. Roba fantastica.

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