Stu’s Reviews- #679- TV Series – “Kleo”- Netflix-1 Season (In German -sub-titles)

Genre: TV Series   

Grade: B+

Notable People: Jella Haase, Dmitrij Schaad, Julius Feldmeir, Created by: Hanno Hackfort

Title: Kleo

Review: After the fall of the Berlin Wall, a former spy killer is set free and embarks on a revenge spree against the people who conspired to betray her. That basic plot hardly describes this absolutely wacko dramedy from Germany. Haase as Kleo is so over the top nuts that she is fascinating-a combination of the mad hit woman from Killing Eve and Uma Thurman in Kill Bill, but even more unpredictable. And, Schaad is the perfect foil as the bumbling West German cop trying to get a real case. The show goes all over the continent and at times you will just laugh out loud. Really bizarre- but a lot of fun. Second season is a no brainer.

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