Stu’s Reviews- #695- Film – “The Fabelmans”

Genre: Film

Grade: A-

Notable People: Paul Dano, Michelle Williams, Seth Rogan, Judd Hirsch, Gabriel LaBelle, Jeannie Berlin,  Directed by: Stephen Spielberg

Title:  The Fabelmans

Review: So- in the middle of a massive winter storm with drifting snow piles and minus 6 on the gauge, I headed down to North Columbus for my first real movie theater visit since COVID. Having been mulling it over for weeks, and finally rambled through the Rotten Maters reviews, and picked a matinee out, loaded up with airlines snacks in my pocket and mask in hand and headed down the Rt. 23 corridor…and…what delight……Only person in the theater, Barco-lounger seating and this absolutely wonderful film by Spielberg, chronicling his origins and his very early obsession with filmmaking. The cast is outstanding; LaBelle is brilliant as the awkward Jewish Jersey youngster who finds love and meaning behind the camera, Dano is a star portraying his early IBM computer genius dad and Williams is to die for. All of them upstaged by a ten-minute appearance by the very aged Hirsch, in an over the top role that I would give him and Oscar for, and top the whole shebang off with a macabre avid Lynch cameo, portraying an old and nuts John Ford, the infamous director who Spielberg met early I his career. The Bubby’s, the great furniture, the dress, the accents and the only known film portrayal of making salami and eggs for dinner. I loved everything about this movie…what a great afternoon…even worth the challenging snow drive.

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