Stu’s Reviews- #697- Album – “Sea Change””- Beck

Genre: Album  

Grade: A-/B+

Notable People: Beck Produced by: Nigel Godrich

Title: Sea Change

Review: I have been fascinated by what I’ve heard here and there from Beck for the last 20 years and recently decided to explore further. Started with this highly regarded 2002 eighth studio album release. Recorded over a two-month period in Los Angeles with producer Nigel Godrich, the album features themes of heartbreak and desolation, solitude, and loneliness. For the album, much of Beck’s trademark cryptic and ironic lyrics were replaced by simpler, more sincere lyrical content. The album feels much like a 60s exploratory throwback in the Donovan tradition, but darker. Beck has a great voice and is a really accomplished and tasteful musician and surrounds himself with quality players, when not playing it all himself. Made me interested enough to pursue his catalog further.

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