Stu’s Reviews- #707- TV Series – “The Outlaws”- Amazon Prime -2 Seasons

Genre: TV Series

Grade: A-/B+

Notable People: Stephen Merchant, Rhianne Barreto, Darren Boyd, Gamba Cole, Jessica Gunning, Claire Perkins, Eleanor Tomlinson, Charles Babaloa, Christopher Walken Created by Merchant

Title: The Outlaws

Review: Wow- this seemingly throwaway show from the BBC is sneakily good. The ensemble cast, playing a bunch of small time losers, sentenced by the Court to community service in London, is really good together. The writing and dialog and are really crisp and really funny. Tomlinson is brilliant as a celebrity blogger diva, with a real person lurking just below the surface. Social messages underlay the humor and support characters are wonderful. And then…. there is Christopher Walken…what is there to say, the man is subtle comic genius. Anything with CW is worth watching …… (did he invent droll?)…..but his ow is a real sleeper. Uncertain about a third season as seemed to wrap-up at the end of second season.

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