Greenings and Un-Greenings


“Sun rising over the mountain path- scent of plums” …………………………………………………………………………….Basho

“Be willing to be a beginner every single morning” ………………………………………………………………………………Meister Eckhart

“C’est la vie say the old folks- it goes to show you never can tell” …………………………………………………………Chuck Berry

Been a travelin’ man over the seas…. I remember the night…. Second straight week on the resuscitation of road warrior-ness and between that and raindrops falling on my head…. both tired and a bit mute……so don’t got much this week….

The Canadian Smoke Fest has continued to leave us without much sun along with the start of the who-would-live-around- there Hurricane season, has brought us transference type rain, rain, train…… forecast does not show a rain free day for next to weeks- though we all know the forecasters are basically using a crystal ballad on a dart board….

Father’s day came and went- lots of texts- no children, no grandees……. S…. L…. O…. W……. where are the kids that I used to sport with?……TQ made breakfast and dinner…and watched raindrops in between….

Music has been hot on Monday nights with our wandering leader and resident Gypsy back from world travels….and regular attendance from the grumpy guitarist and the mad mandolinist…plus our resident rain- woman (think Dustin Hoffman) ……..keep going sluggish on Monday nights and the having Mr. Hyde take over, and being one to leave and have to lock the place down…..building towards Bunty band week in early august, when the boys descend from around the globe…..

I seemed to have missed the retirement (maybe even semi-retirement) memo and am back on the horse with five projects of one sort or another…good work…but, make it stop, mama, make it stop…..

This week’s edition had me back on the shores of Gitchee-Goomey, by way of Chicago…determined not to repeat the last 9 hour trip……so I took the six- seater just down the road from here- to Boston- and then on to Chicago-then on to Dan Ryan expressway Hell out to Michiana…work went really well….have new disciples… was indescribable…..first had to call about six- seater for every couple of hours for last 24 prior –to make sure it goes-then go to waiting room that is smaller than my living room, wait while they woke up the local TSA and call him to come in, weigh both my bag and me, wind up the propeller and shout the safety rules……turned out to be really nice day and flight was really pretty ending with a Magnifico view of Boston harbor…..made new Bestie on board –Deadhead, entrepreneurial Strangelove type on board-and we might be friends forever…we did exchange blood oaths- but, hey….Vermont is like that…..

In Boston , I had to make a frantic run to help out  a 90 year old couple form the 6-seater with a 45 minute layover to depart for Blue-Hair world, and who were being fucked by the airline bureaucrats and not given back their carry –on bag as it was missing a tag, that the renegade living room TSA had neglected to put on back in la-la land…folks were in tears…so Papi made a mad sprint to the baggage  claim, found their bag, reentered through another TSA , traced them to their departure gate and handed them their bag before the gate folk closed the aircraft door in their  face…which would have led to postal Papi…got round of applause at the gate and emotional goodbye for my new grandparents…

The trip home broke the previous record and took 10 hours –with an extraordinary 3 hours in and around crazed Friday rush hour to Chi-town to get to the Midway, de-riguer flight delay, and the TQ driving four hours’ round trip to pick me at the live free or die terminal -home at 3 am (but no big deal, I was still on central time) ……

Tried to get in a much needed walk yesterday- and got as far as Java Baba for lunch……before the skies opened again – sat outside under an awning and ate……. watching deluge for over an hour…. the rain shooting off the roof in such massive arcs we thought were at a water park….no walk …nap…. did get in dry moment at Saturday Dump drop where the DM asked for TQ’s hand for the 40th time…. whilst maintaining his best Poncho villa (check the photo) ….DM and TQ sitting in a tree…….

I got no more- happy to be home for a while….plant me a garden, eat a little peaches, get me a home….story for paucity of pix today…..road, rain and accidental deletion conspire to leave not much….though SEE POND in glory….and Papi with each of the bigger grandees…

Off next weekend to The Apple to see all the cousins for first time since pre-Covid- pretty excited….’till then….it’s only me…and you….and a dog named Boo……


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