Lookin’ for Some Sunshine in the Greens

Gootin Dag:

“Many men fish all their lives without realizing it is not the fish they are after” ……………………………Michael Baughman

“Value judgments are destructive to our proper business, which is curiosity and awareness” ……….John Cage

“If you gotta go now…. go now….go now”………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Moody Blues

Well, the Arcadian Driftwood SmokeFest refuses to submit, with index of air quality bordering on shit, and a low cloud cover most of the time. Could be worse; people are wearing HazMat suit in the city……but enough…..we need really big wall on the Canuck border. Forget the Mexicans, this is the real r…an I know just the man we can elect to get it done………

Let the sun shine, Let the sun shine….th sun shine in……..

Been a whirl of a week near Star lake…………………our hometowns……

Last Sunday went from smog gloom to blue sky glory in late afternoon, and went to Vermont style birthday party on the former Empress of GE’s deck, overlooking he splendor of the Greens. Daughter Andrea’s 40th had bunch of no-shows –so it was mostly family style, which for them means around 35 people who live in the compound…and our plus two….despite being grumpy with TQ about not really wanting to be social, enjoyed the multiple generations and got a months’ worth of hugs (after wondering aloud if I was actually huggable these days).

That was the end of sun for a while, as the rains came, the clouds drooped, the streams came a rushin’ and THE POND filled tot it’s magnificent brink.

Midweek we went down to Rutland to the nice Table 24 (which shockingly had closed for good the night before) for an event celebrating Vermont’s constitutionalizing of Reproductive Rights….we now invite women from anywhere to come here and be served without barriers or repercussions…which is quite amazing in our time (Pence and Desantis were invited to come but sent regrets)…….and was pushed through by our republican governor…..though he might not be a Republican anywhere else………….after all we have two parties in our statehouse currently…Democrats and Progressives….but still, I digress,….the event was moving and the celebratory quilt put together by many hands, quite impressive……I managed to not insult anybody for the entire evening….mostly by keeping food or drink in my mouth at all times….did I mention that the crowd was filled with lily-white, blue haired, extreme fit people wearing Birkenstocks?….Duh…..I have now dubbed this, after one of the quilt squares, the no-sex quilt gathering……

After the event, we snuck over to Ramuntos for some slices before heading p the mount, and were shocked to see multitudes of other vegan-tofu types from the event sneaking in, looking for little pepperoni topped jewels…. kind of reminded me childhood Yom Kippur at the Schul, and we’d mosey over to the coffee shop and keep heads down (allegedly fasting), but when I’d sneak a peek, there were 50 such families all hiding with their schmeaedr bagels………

Thursday we visited the Weston Playhouse for the first time since pre- Covid……more lily white, fit blue hairs…..no Birkenstocks……and caught a preview show ($20 ticket- fourth row center- who knew?) for The Buddy Holly story, which was beyond spectacular, and possibly life changing…the stars totally aligned that night for the cast of mostly young star wannabes, and they put on the performance of their lives…..SHOCKUNG….maybe the  best live theater I’ve ever seen…maybe I was also accidentally impaired…a lot of maybes

Capped the week with a weekend in  The apple- specifically Westchester County (if that counts) to get with all of my olde cousins for first time since Covid….I say older because for 20 years I had been the patriarch of our family…till I searched out three sets of cousins ten years ago, whom I now gladly defer to and assume the mantle of the baby cousin……gotta love that…….Italian for 12 at Tuckahoe…spent night in Riverdale…..then Saturday in lovely Nyack with a beach front luncheon and night at the local Doubletree….sadly, my cousin Joel wound up going to hospital just as we arrived, which was real bummer, but got to see the rest plus my nephew Mitch, as well, who drove across the river……ROOTS in CAHOOTS…..very moving…..

Back home to more rain and dankness on the edge of town, on this strange long, maybe holiday weekend…………

Minimally exposed to Covid in city- so monitoring, but so far, so good….is there an end to this nonsense?

I hope you all only freedom and joy.

Hasta Luego, Stu

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