White Line Fever in Da Greens

Como Estas????

“Boredom can be interesting”………………………………………………………………Narayan

“It has taken me all my life to understand that it is not necessary to understand everything”………Rene Coty

“Oops……Wrong cookie” ……………………………………………………………Fortune Cookie writer

Sittin’ downtown in a railway station……………………………………where are Brewer and Shipley when you need them……………………well, it’s been an all-out adventurous week on The Mount at La Chez Queene………….Resettled after the whirlwind down to the city and survived the latest Covid treat…….spent a few days proactively isolating and missed Monday music……Plaque still suck……decided we were sickish enuff to warrant trip down the hill to little pathetic Ludlow Chinese, which is solidly mediocre and almost twice as expensive as its counterpart near the Heartland home….have I bitched enough yet about the cost of living in Greens………..

By Tuesday, we had a string of negative test days- so headed Uptown or Downton (depending on your band width) to Belmont, or Mt. Holly, (depending on your band width) for 14 minutes of thunder and lightning (think Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman) …. which is the longest endeavor in parade’s recent history….. TQ of course was the Grande Dame, tho the Association float was somewhat pathetic, in a cute sort of way………. dashed home after that to welcome the World’s Most Beloved School Marm and The Erstwhile Russian Spy for long overdue cookout and catch up…where we had delightful time and learned that our own Peter (the Great?) has a longstanding used rube glove collection…the possibilities are endless…..

By Wednesday, it a time to get out, so Miss Lucy and I went hunting for several dirt road walks in the late day hazy sunshine, where it had now gone from weeks of Canadian-cloud  chilly rainy 60 to a hot and humid (no AC in site) almost 90…..Feeling more or less invincible now, headed into town on Thursday for a shop-a thon, Root-land style…which , by all accounts, is somewhat limited, and definitely not Madison Avenue…but came back with bags and bags….spent at least 25 minutes trying to fill tiny glass jars with bulk spice from giant glass jars at the local Co-op (assignment from TQ)…me and the Birkenstocks……and the patchouli…..and the hemp shopping bags……free parking in Downton though for Co-op-ing……..

Thursday night we traversed hill and dale (not the Gene Autry kind) to the quaint Phelps Barn at the championship level quaint Grafton inn (oldest in Vermont) for burger ‘n beer night, which was $10 before The Plaque and is now $20…but  they added a fish option….met up with old friend Beverly, my long lost benefactress of a 1000 lunches at Java-Baba…along with her whole miscpachah….had a great time after years of separation….and trying to rekindle now-  tho she now works a bit far away for me to go for free lunches…….

Friday dawned very hot and after a brief foray into my world of work, we threw the kayaks in the back of the jeep and drove to Nineveh for first paddle of the year….not a soul on the lake, which is mountain water deep, clear as a bell (go, Johnny, go) and no motors…..tried paddling our separate ways to avoid Lucy hysteria about separating the pack….but even that too much….as she barreled form one vessel to the other…finally just taking the panic- plunge….and doing her Lucy Weissmuller thing…..traversing the entire lake with little legs pumping, snout just above water and snorting/ yelling the whole way…….got home just as the thunder skies erupted….after quick stops in Belmont to raid the community room and library….job well done

You can get it if you really want it……. but you must try…try and try…try and try…you’ll succeed at last……

Ignoring several  if invite-obligations, we took off Saturday for a drive up majestic Route 100 with plans to traverse the gap over to Middlebury…but got waylaid in lil’ Hancock for lunch on the  veranda of the old hotel and then a hop skip and jump over to Texas Falls where we spent hours hiking, gazing, contemplating and ultimately jumping in a tide pool of sorts….made our way over the gap late in day then on down to Rutland where we made first foray into checking out the now legal empire…ok, it’s not San Diego, but cute…and then made it a twofer day with Indian food for diner from the tiny grocery store (better than you might think)…finishing up at TQ’s Palace- the Home Depot….where we stocked up on  our massive store of planting apparati…………..and fell asleep trying to find a helper-type to advise us (good luck with that)….and now the time has come………

Getting ready for big month ahead with Sloanie visit in a week, The Band for a week after that and mid-summer Ohio return a week after that…good day sunshine……

Go out an cavort, Make it count, Be the ball…..Love, ya’ll……

Papi (Was a Rolling Stone)

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