NanaPapi Camp in the Greens 2023

My good people:

No quotes, no stories and not much to say. It has been an incredible week. Had g-daughter #2- Sloane- here at The Mount for the week. I flew back to Ohio on Monday and flew her back on Tuesday. Tess flew out to Albany Saturday night; we all spent the night in hotel and then they flew back on Sunday……..with a six hour wait in DC …with an almost 5 year old.

In between we had a total adventure, which the pictures tell better than I can. Circus Schmirkus, Kids wonderland, parks and pizzas, hikes on the trail, swimming in Pond, concerts and Creamees, endless hide n seek…..needless to say we are into recovery mode for the week. I don’t believe we ate anything all week that was not carbs or pure sugar…but we kept her hopping.

Hope to have more of our g-daughter brood next year for NanaPapi Camp ‘24.

I have attached some pix for the week here- but have also created a Google photos album that you can access with the below link if you really want to feel the experience…..and have much caffeine around.

One week to annual Bunty-Music week in the Greens….so the game is afoot.

Will try to be more entertaining next week after a few hours of sleep…….


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