What a Long Strange Trip It’s Been- Volume 45

Greetings and Longish time no see:

“Where does the term Dop Kit come from?” …………………………Randy Wasserstrom (1976) and Feel Unetic (Redux 2023)

“I need someone to warm my buns” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………The Naven

“WD 40 is not Lube” ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Mitch Tayse

“Better, Same or Worse” ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Dr. Strange

“I LOVE THIS WEEK”……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Bunty Station

A Buddhist approaches a hotdog vendor and says: “Make me one with everything.”

Well, it has been a really long two weeks since we last went Bloggish….week One was devoted to 5 year-old recovery and week two to The Bunty Invasion…it is now recovery time again.

Sloane left us after our week together a week ago Sunday and then we slept…aside from all the adventures we had, we managed to have the annual family traffic stop in Albany. We are no longer eve surprised to see flashing lights and sirens for every family vacation. Tess says that Sloane does not even blink an eye any more when the armed man comes to the door.

Flood recovery had proceeded nicely until we had another dump week before last- and another one this week. The first PTSD occurred while we are having a sandwich outside Java Baba and once again food ourselves in a water park as the newly constructed parking lot began to wash away Redux.

Aside from that, we tide to return to biz-as usual with a few hikes, a shop till you drop day in Rutland and a trip to the reopened gym at Okemo.  We had a drive by with the Royal Hairdresser as she came over to dinner for The Queens monthly haircut and Papi snuck one in also. Got thru a soggy mountain Music on the Green, in which it poured until show time and stopped at that exact moment and the sun came out…..mountains! Finally got our new fridge delivered by a non- English speaking crew with no tools or materials to install- left after two hours muttering “no mas” after not being able to get the device leveled- so had to rant and rave at home depot to send a crew with English and tools-which came four days later and they did it in four minutes…this is appliance shopping in the mountains.

Spent the Friday-Saturday prepping for the British (Bunty) Invasion…..with ever more shopping, massive house de-fogging, yard primping and trips to the Cavendish town wide yard sale…..and then the rains came yet again reducing Ludlow to a lake.

We made it home safely, barely, and then Sunday dawned nice….and the boys started landing. In the past, they used to arrive in a scattered pattern for days Sunday through Wednesday, but everyone came on Sunday-so we had a party of nine for the week. The “I love this week” mantra was coined within an hour of arrival land maintained as the theme all week. Our 45th year band celebration was an incomparable array of male bonding activities, all watched over and directed spectacularly by The Queen Hostess. Daily hikes, afternoon lunches on the porch, late candlelight dinners for a dozen were de riguer. The amount of beer, bourbon and sundry enlighteners consumed was staggering for l guys and the amount of belly whopping laughter irreplaceable.

It is impossible to describe just how unusual it is for this many people to spend a solid week in one house and get along so well…..everyone pitches in, everyone fights to pay for everything…and everyone r to ward off the predictable chaos.

Did I mention the music? Starting Monday, it went on for six days with impromptu jams, two practices with our additional Vermont crew, Music on the Green on Thursday and culminating with the 25th annual Tie- Dye festival on Saturday at The Empress of GE’s palatial estate. Our core six were joined by our longstanding local Vermont friends on percussion, slide guitar, the magic of Fiddler Bob and our good pals Cheryl and Mike….. and a parade of other music sibs as they joined in for special numbers. Thursday night the Band was tight as skinny-jeans, and we garnered an amazing $375 in tips which donated to the local flood relief efforts here. Saturdays set was all loosey-goosey with in a mud strewn property that had us all thinking Woodstock revisited.

It was week of Adventures and Misadventures too many to count for these pages, but will let the pictures tty to tell the story. Most of the boys shuffled off to real life on Sunday with Mitch and Steve staying overnight until this morning. Though nice to have our house back, we will really miss all the guys and Rachel and Chris who came along and were super roadies.

I think Lucy will sleep for the next three days.

I am attaching nice array of photos, and also sharing link blow for those who want the full Monty.

Have a crazy three days ahead and then off to our mid-summer Ohio visit for ten days and some g-daughter mana. Be back to you all on the flip side.

Love is in the air, Stu

Bunty in Vermont full google Photo album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/3kYc6kDVfm9m1HVQ8

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