Whirlin’ Dervishin’ in the Greens

Good morning sunshine:

“With no bird singing The mountain is yet still” ………………………………………………………………………………………Zen saying

“What a day fora daydream, What a day for daydreamin’ boy” ……………………………………………………………. John Sebastian

“Decades down the road, can’t let that train be slowed” …………………………………………………………………………. Ferlin’ Norris

Well it’s been quite a few weeks hither and yon……

When we last left our heroes, the last of the Bunty boys were departing for the Heartland and left us with the one car, while the mystery death of my Jeep resided in the Rutland Dealer surgery. It wound up there for three weeks only to find that the 48 error codes and the fact that I had no usable transmission were all related to a bad battery……which somehow the “experts” took three weeks to figure out (It is the mountains, and apparently they only have one guy who is code-reader) ….and…voila…a four hundred dollar Dealer battery…..but……The Beast is  back on the road…but I am way ahead of myself.

We had three days between post-boys-partum and mid-summer Ohio jaunt, so I took the only vehicle, and left The Queen to her garden madness and went off for an overnight to a retreat of the Governor’s Council- up in lovely Randolph. Spent the night in a weird but nice airbnb which I had to traverse 42 road crews and ten miles of outback like dirt road to get to……flood, flood, go away, come back another day…..Randolph, which we always liked and almost bought a house in way back, is still a very quaint and classic Vermont town, but has added several foo-foo joints, and  wound up eating at a Filipino place on the square where I shared the corner with Tuesday night smooth jazz purveyors, with the thumping standup bass to give me a chewing pattern. The theme and vision of the place was amazing- I was so psyched- the execution so-so. The all-day retreat was on a hillside at a state park on a sunny and warm abut very windy day……came home hoarse from yelling out various celebratory ya-yas.

Got back from the alleged respite/overnight and then off next morning to the Heartland. With my recent MRI and bullet dodging of a planned biopsy, were free to take Quin-Lily and Sloanie for three days for NanaPapi Camp, which was rapturous, fun-filled and exhausting with round the clock activities. How many potty jokes can a five-year-old tell? Before that, we celebrated little Parkers’ #2- in which she led us in 26 straight of singing happy birthday. Al the girl pictures are attached, though selective- did not think you wanted to see 246 shots of our granddaughters……but maybe I am overthinking it…………………

Got in a band practice, several dinners with friends, walks with my posse of dog walking pals, a number of sneaky trips to the Y and rainy day trip with the girls to see the Ninja Turtle extravaganza-which we realized halfway thru was more suited for 17 year olds than 5-6 year olds- but, hey, what do we know.

We ate pretty much pizza, burgers and fried chicken for the week, but we don’t care about no stinkin’ carbs ad sugar and fried foods…and still made a number of trips for Heartland faux-Creamees.

Trio back was uneventful except for locking ourselves out of the house just as we were ready to leave and discovering we had not put new front door keys on our chains…plus having left the one possible entry key locked inside plus TQ having insisted on locking every window-to create a veritable fortress….…but turned out in ones of life’s rare surprises, that The Nave had a garage door key stored away. From there it was smooth sailing until we missed the turn in Binghamton whilst yakking away about the Florida Keys, and while we did the three-mile miracle mile detour still missed getting gas and wound up in a dire search before running out. Finally got home, after 12 straight hours, to no internet, phone or TV, and TQ made the brave trip to find a cell signal and call the cable co. morons to get us a signal. But, by midnight we unpacked, connected and exhausted.

The season is changing here in the Greens, and nights are quite chilly and days are no humidity-fall looming-won’t be long.

Having had our g-daughter fix, gotten our winter house in order, and seen our old friends, we are now back for the Fall-haul thru November- TLWATCDR (figure it out). Looking forward to some guests in next few months and couple of reunions, but mostly just calming down after the activities of the month ……And, TQ is out scanning the property and all of Mt. Holly for in search of potential trouble that she an dig her heels into. LLTQ (another one!)

Mostly kid pix this week, so if it’s your thing…. enjoy.

We just got back the upload for our show this year on the Green, so if did not already send it you, below is a link. I’d suggest headphones to get the quality feel but it’s a pretty good feed by the local TV station……and …it’s the 45th Band anniversary….BTW…. when the band gathered in Ohio last week, we did 12 straight Band songs before we even spoke ….to honor the passing of the great Robbie Robertson. Where have all the flowers gone?


Be kind, be well, take a plunge.


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