Is it Fall yet??

Yo and yo:

“You get there by realizing you are already there.” ……………………………………………………………Edward Tolle

“The morning glory lives only an hour-Yet it differs not at heart- From the giant pine which lives a 1000 years…………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Zenrin Kushu

“It’s gonna take lot of love…to change the way things are.………………………………………………..Neil Young

Well, it’s been a short week on The Mount. Wandered around in a daze for a few days after the Heartland return…me look fora cell signal or stream…. TQ in search of some grass to kill…

Left the proverbial dog days of August to come back to our first 42-degree night, and mostly autumn-evocative weather all week…

Go back on the horse with all my work projects…. saw all my virtual clients (platform is the virtual part, not necessarily them) in one week, which pushes my focus for extended empathy (hey- you think you got it bad) …l caught up on my various and sundry projects…with my worldwide streaming capability…assuming it does not adhere to mountain norms and go down once a day…

Most of the week was the perfecto 72 sunny –cloudless sky-zero humidity……. except when the forces of evil again dumped a day of rain on our traumatized mountain towns…get out the rowboat, Ethel…. there is still no grocery or drug store in sight for the near future in Ludlow……but there is a tent….

Got out on a couple of afternoon walks with Lucy-Lu, who was so pleased, she found majordomo special shit to roll in….  for which /TQ meets us at the front door upon return, with her 400-pound fireman’s spray hose….and hoses us both down…Lucy because she stinks, me because I let he…. bad Papi, bad Papi….

Having our usual jonesing for the granddaughter acolytes…. where are the girls that I used to sport with?

I managed a strung-out day of shopping in the modern universe…given I am generally in and out of any store in 10munites……but TQ has a knack for creating lists that amount to treasure hunts (organic mung beans , FCS) that have me on hands and knees around stores, drooling and begging the instacart people to take pity…Wednesday was such a day with not only the usual grocery and Mart stops,….but the dreaded Co-Op… got the Birkenstocks and patchouli out of the trunk, put on the rose coloreds, had a small hit and meandered in to figure out how to measure and price mark the items in the Bermuda bulk triangle……then wait about 26 minutes while the robed Yogis figure out how to get the cash register to work- please let me pay….…al of which is so traumatic as to lead me straight to Ernie’s’ Hand Carved around the corner for a low-carb Pastrami an Corn Beef on rye… is a balance, no?

TW is revving up for the coming of Cider Daze in October and is less and less visible by the day, plus added in the monthly (not that monthly) ya-ya celebration of the woman’s yenta dinner… had a few nights of faux-Marriott solitude  around the house to ponder how to find a baseball game on TV without cable, how to maximize carb intake and gleefully wash the dishes and do laundry without supervision- the challenge being to get it done without a trace before someone realizes had done it……though Lucy looks at me with accusing eyes…

From the previous ramblings I’m sure it is apparent that not all that much happened this week, part because we both came home with day care children sickness, partly because we had had enough- no mas- to many fish in the sea……but by Saturday were ready……and wandered up the ongoing post-flood havoc of lovely routes 100 and 12 to the quaint hamlet of Barnard for their annual street dance extravaganza. Stopped at the state park for a walk with our new handy-dandy to get in elder-schmelder pass, then on to town hall parking lot to mingle with post-commune, long- woke set. As soon as the music started, it poured like banshees (is that a thing?), but the swing band Route Five-Jive (think Django meets Bob Wills –but not all that good) played under a tiny tent thru the downpour…and the moon childs danced in the rain, whilst we oldies dozed under the canopy of the fire department (nice engines). Nice ride, nice day out, sun came back out and we warmed for a moment……then ahead to home and back to our sickbeds to resume recovery.

Did I mention that The Dumpmaster and his cronies told TQ that life was meaningless without her when we dropped off our junk? Or that we had my car back for 2 days before errors lights were back on in spite of the miracle 400 bucks battery fix? Well, no matter…sixteen tons and what do you get?

Hasta Luego, baby,


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