Stu’s Reviews- #746- TV Series – “The US and the Holocaust”- PBS – 1 Season

Genre: TV Series      

Grade: A

Notable People: Created by: Ken Burns and Lynn Novak

Title: The US and the Holocaust

Grade: The latest (2022) piece of brilliance form Americas documentarian and conscience, Ken Burns. These has never been anyone like him in my book. A follow up to his masterful series on World War II, this focuses on the story we were not told in school about Americas role in ignoring and even supporting the Holocaust; through ignorance, naiveté, Anti-Semitism and the Isolationist desire to be separate from the rest of the world. It is not pretty and the footage of The Camps is the most harrowing I’ve ever seen. You will weep listening to the 90-year-old survivors tell their stories of horror. There is a lot for any true American patriot to be ashamed about here. Once again, unintentionally makes the case that the world owes an unpayable debt to Britain and Winston Churchill for being the last wall standing and saving us all when no one else would. This one is short by Burn’s standards- only three episodes and available in Spanish as well

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