Stu’s Reviews- #747- Film – “Zappa”-Hulu

Genre: Film       

Grade: A-/B+

Notable People: Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention, Directed by: Ale Winter

Title:  Zappa

Review: Very well done biopic of the man who may be the most enigmatic, iconoclastic, irreverent and idiosyncratic figure in modern music. I was never a huge fan but always a bit intrigued, and this film only encourages that more. Zappa was an extremely talented composer-equally adept at full orchestra pieces and zany one- offs. The cast of characters who paraded thru the Mother of Invention band is a dazzling array of some of the era’s finest. Frank Zappa was and is not that easy to like but he is worthy of admiration and this is an inside look at a once in a generation musical mind. Going to Montana soon- gonna be dental floss tycoon.

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