Stu’s Reviews- #748- Book – “The Last Chairlift”- John Irving

Genre: Book    

Grade: A-/ B+

Notable People: John Irving

Title: “The Last Chairlift

Review: this is the Titan of American fictions’ self-proclaimed “last big book”-and BIG it is at around 900 pages. Took me a month to finish it –both because of length and because I kept thinking I was reading every Irving book that proceeded it for the last 45 years. The themes are all there” woman who don’t speak, hating Ronald Reagan, wrestling, AIDS, the Iowa writer’s workshop, the Exeter academy, Vermont (where he lives), Vienna (where he has), bears, sexual identity crisis’ of every ilk). With the addition of Ghosts, and skiing which take up a big part of the book. I will say this a wind down for him, tho it as so familiar and, thus, hard not to like –for a huge fan like me (Did I mention I have a fist edition of every one of his books on my shelf?). the book has 3 massive chapters of screen play prototype, which I found really boring and hard to follow, but Irving’s writing remains crisp, stylish (his own) and insightful. If you are not a fan you will probably give this a lower grade-but it’s the end of an era for me, and felt very sentimental It’s ben na good run, Dr. John.

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