Stu’s Reviews- #755- TV Series – “Paradise”- PBS -8 Seasons-Italian with sub titles

Genre: TV Series   

Grade: A-

Notable People: Giuseppe Zeno, Giusy Buscemi, Alessandro Tersigni, Christiane Filangieri, Created by Gianandrea Percinelli

Title: Paradise- “Il paradiso delle signore”

Review: Small town girl from Sicily comes to Milan to help with her aunt and uncles’ textiles store and winds up as prestigious salesgirl at the magnificent “Ladies Paradise” shopping Mecca. Classic 1950’s post war Italy lighthearted drama from a 1980s Emile Zola set of novels. Fantastically done; the acting is marvelous; the people are exceedingly beautiful. A very nice show. Currently four seasons available on PBS, with four more in the hopper-so could be a winter watch. Like this a lot.

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