Stu’s Reviews- #768- Book – “An Evil Heart”- Lind Castillo

Genre: Book            

Grade: B+

Notable People: Linda Castillo

Title: An Evil Heart

Review: Chief of Police Kate Burkholder investigates the brutal death of a young Amish man in the latest installment of the bestselling series by Linda Castillo. Castillo continues to write insightfully about the nuances of Amish culture and her characters have become much more fleshed out and substantive over the course of this series. Some of the themes, and musings, are pretty repetitive but the stories are all barn burners and the inside scoop on this unusual culture is quite engaging. This is one of the 2-3 best offerings in this long running series and a can’t- put- it- down type of 300 page quick read (a gift after several 1000 page tomes)

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