Stu’s Reviews- #778- Book – “A Chateau Under Siege”- Martin Walker

Genre: Book     

Grade: A-

Notable People: Martin Walker

Title: A Chateau Under Siege

Review: Walker, a former diplomat and international journalist, once again delivers a brilliant combination of mystery, political intrigue, current world events and French culture. This latest (2023) Bruno, Chief of Police adventure surrounds the Russian invasion of Ukraine and related terrorist activities in France; seemingly astoundingly in the lovely and picturesque Vezere Valley. I love every part of these books- but the narrative in which Bruno instructs us on how he cooks classic French fare and the discovery of the remote wine caves, country markets, chateaus and a place that modern stresses have mostly left behind- are priceless. Walker is a really god writer, an apparently great cook, and a master storyteller…and Bruno, a character for the ages.

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