Stu’s Reviews- #790- Book – “A Noble Radiance”- Donna Leon

Genre: Book         

Grade: A-

Notable People: Donna Leon

Title: A Noble Radiance

Review: got back on the horse with this great Guido Brunetti (Commisario de Policia de Venicia) series whilst wiling away the hours down in the Keys. Good pick. Leon and Brunetti do not disappoint. Not only is Brunetti an enchanting character, but the stories are tightly woven mysteries woven around a lot of social commentary, Italian family life and the Commissario’ s many meandering internal reflections on life, relationships, the state of the modern world and, most hilariously, the Italian government. Major added bonus is the immersion into every side of the quixotic city that is Venice. No cars, many boats and one hard- not- to- love Commissario. Seventh in a very longs series that is still adding a new one annually. Get in this line.

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